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Jaroslav Tomsa

Ledoví muzi's poster

Ledoví muzi (1961)

The Death of Tarzan's poster

The Death of Tarzan (1963)

aka: Tarzanova smrt

Courage for Every Day's poster

Courage for Every Day (1964)

aka: Kazdy den odvahu

Lemonade Joe's poster

Lemonade Joe (1964)

aka: Limonádový Joe aneb Konská opera

Lady on the Tracks's poster

Lady on the Tracks (1966)

aka: Dáma na kolejích

Transit Carlsbad's poster

Transit Carlsbad (1966)

The Last Rose from Casanova's poster

The Last Rose from Casanova (1966)

aka: Poslední ruze od Casanovy

Martin Speaking's poster

Martin Speaking (1966)

aka: U telefonu Martin

Happy End's poster

Happy End (1967)

The End of Agent W4C's poster

The End of Agent W4C (1967)

aka: Konec agenta W4C prostrednictvím psa pana Foustky

The Marathon's poster

The Marathon (1968)

aka: Maratón

Capricious Summer's poster

Capricious Summer (1968)

aka: Rozmarné léto

Crime in a Music Hall's poster

Crime in a Music Hall (1968)

aka: Zlocin v santánu

I, Justice's poster

I, Justice (1968)

aka: Já, spravedlnost

The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night's poster

The Seventh Day, the Eighth Night (1969)

aka: Den sedmý, osmá noc

Odvázná slecna's poster

Odvázná slecna (1970)

I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen's poster

I Killed Einstein, Gentlemen (1970)

aka: Zabil jsem Einsteina, panove

Lucie and the Miracles's poster

Lucie and the Miracles (1970)

aka: Lucie a zazraky

On the Comet's poster

On the Comet (1970)

aka: Na komete

You Are a Widow, Sir!'s poster

You Are a Widow, Sir! (1971)

aka: Pane, vy jste vdova!

Four Murders Is Enough, Darling's poster

Four Murders Is Enough, Darling (1971)

aka: 'Ctyri vrazdy stací, drahousku'

Burglar and Umbrella's poster

Burglar and Umbrella (1971)

aka: Penicka a Paraplícko

Svet otevrený náhodám's poster

Svet otevrený náhodám (1971)

The Key's poster

The Key (1971)

aka: Klíc

Miss Golem's poster

Miss Golem (1972)

aka: Slecna Golem

Straw Hat's poster

Straw Hat (1972)

aka: Slamený klobouk

Clovek neni sam's poster

Clovek neni sam (1972)

Days of Betrayal's poster

Days of Betrayal (1973)

aka: Dny zrady

Hroch's poster

Hroch (1973)

Kronika zhavého léta's poster

Kronika zhavého léta (1973)

Legenda, the Robber's poster

Legenda, the Robber (1973)

aka: Lupic legenda

Death Chooses's poster

Death Chooses (1973)

aka: Smrt si vybírá

A Night at Karlstein's poster

A Night at Karlstein (1974)

aka: Noc na Karlstejne

Joachim, Put It in the Machine's poster

Joachim, Put It in the Machine (1974)

aka: Jáchyme, hod ho do stroje!

Dvacátý devátý's poster

Dvacátý devátý (1974)

Zlocin v Modré hvezde's poster

Zlocin v Modré hvezde (1974)

Catherine and Her Children (1975)

aka: Katerina a jeji deti

The Motive for Murder's poster

The Motive for Murder (1975)

aka: Motiv pro vrazdu

The Day That Shook the World's poster

The Day That Shook the World (1975)

aka: Atentat u Sarajevu

Night of Orange Fires's poster

Night of Orange Fires (1975)

aka: Noc oranzových ohnu

Dear Aunties and Me's poster

Dear Aunties and Me (1975)

aka: Drahé tety a já

Sokolovo's poster

Sokolovo (1975)

Zbrane pro Prahu's poster

Zbrane pro Prahu (1975)

Tobe hrana zvonit nebude's poster

Tobe hrana zvonit nebude (1975)

Hudba kolonád's poster

Hudba kolonád (1975)

How About a Plate of Spinach?'s poster

How About a Plate of Spinach? (1977)

aka: Coz takhle dát si spenát

Almost King's poster

Almost King (1977)

aka: Honza málem králem

Long Live Ghosts!'s poster

Long Live Ghosts! (1977)

aka: At zijí duchové!

Modrá planeta's poster

Modrá planeta (1977)

The Death of a Fly's poster

The Death of a Fly (1977)

aka: Smrt mouchy

Nás dedek Josef's poster

Nás dedek Josef (1977)

Talíre nad Velkým Malíkovem's poster

Talíre nad Velkým Malíkovem (1977)

Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea's poster

Tomorrow I'll Wake Up and Scald Myself with Tea (1977)

aka: Zítra vstanu a oparím se cajem

Rusalka's poster

Rusalka (1977)

Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet's poster

Adela Has Not Had Supper Yet (1978)

aka: Adéla jeste nevecerela

Cistá reka's poster

Cistá reka (1978)

Hnev's poster

Hnev (1978)

Settlement of Crows's poster

Settlement of Crows (1978)

aka: Osada havranu

Lvi salonu's poster

Lvi salonu (1978)

Hrozba's poster

Hrozba (1978)

Past na kachnu's poster

Past na kachnu (1978)

Strepy pro Evu (1978)

Ballad for a Bandit's poster

Ballad for a Bandit (1979)

aka: Balada pro banditu

Ja jsem stena smrti's poster

Ja jsem stena smrti (1979)

Postaveni mimo hru's poster

Postaveni mimo hru (1979)

Písen o stromu a ruzi's poster

Písen o stromu a ruzi (1979)

The Champion's poster

The Champion (1979)

aka: Vítaz

Death of Hitch-Hikers's poster

Death of Hitch-Hikers (1979)

aka: Smrt stoparek

Murderous Doubts's poster

Murderous Doubts (1979)

aka: Vrazedné pochybnosti

Smrt na cerno's poster

Smrt na cerno (1979)

Hodinárova svatební cesta korálovým morem's poster

Hodinárova svatební cesta korálovým morem (1979)

Love Between the Raindrops's poster

Love Between the Raindrops (1980)

aka: Lásky mezi kapkami deste

Dark Sun's poster

Dark Sun (1980)

aka: Temné slunce

Rukojmí v Bella Vista's poster

Rukojmí v Bella Vista (1980)

Blues for E. F. B.'s poster

Blues for E. F. B. (1980)

aka: Blues pro EFB

Hordubal's poster

Hordubal (1980)

The Medal's poster

The Medal (1980)

aka: Signum Laudis

Rytmus 1934's poster

Rytmus 1934 (1980)

Svítalo celou noc (1980)

Friday Is No Holiday's poster

Friday Is No Holiday (1980)

aka: Pátek není svátek

The Democrats (1980)

aka: Demokrati

Julek's poster

Julek (1980)

Neco je ve vzduchu's poster

Neco je ve vzduchu (1981)

Cutting it Short's poster

Cutting it Short (1981)

aka: Postriziny

Bulldogs and Cherries's poster

Bulldogs and Cherries (1981)

aka: Buldoci a tresne

Visitors from the Arkana Galaxy's poster

Visitors from the Arkana Galaxy (1981)

aka: Gosti iz galaksije

The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians's poster

The Mysterious Castle in the Carpathians (1981)

aka: Tajemství hradu v Karpatech

Nocní jazdci's poster

Nocní jazdci (1981)

Hodina zivota (1981)

Retez's poster

Retez (1981)

Koncert's poster

Koncert (1981)

Zakázaný výlet (1981)

Pozor, vizita!'s poster

Pozor, vizita! (1982)

Ferat Vampire's poster

Ferat Vampire (1982)

aka: Upír z Feratu

We Are Basically Normal's poster

We Are Basically Normal (1982)

aka: V podstate jsme normální

Prihody pana Prihody (1982)

Víkend bez rodicu's poster

Víkend bez rodicu (1982)

Má láska s Jakubem's poster

Má láska s Jakubem (1982)

La chanson du mal aimé's poster

La chanson du mal aimé (1982)

The Wanderings of Jan Amos's poster

The Wanderings of Jan Amos (1983)

aka: Putování Jana Amose

Fandy, ó Fandy's poster

Fandy, ó Fandy (1983)

I Enjoy the World with You's poster

I Enjoy the World with You (1983)

aka: S tebou me baví svet

Srdecný pozdrav ze zemekoule's poster

Srdecný pozdrav ze zemekoule (1983)

Vítr v kapse's poster

Vítr v kapse (1983)

Jára Cimrman Lying, Sleeping's poster

Jára Cimrman Lying, Sleeping (1983)

aka: Jára Cimrman lezící, spící

Slona róza's poster

Slona róza (1983)

Incomplete Eclipse's poster

Incomplete Eclipse (1983)

aka: Neúplné zatmení

Vinobraní's poster

Vinobraní (1983)

Sileny kankan's poster

Sileny kankan (1983)

Únos moravanky's poster

Únos moravanky (1983)

Od vrazdy jenom krok ke lzi (1983)

The Snowdrop Festivities's poster

The Snowdrop Festivities (1984)

aka: Slavnosti snezenek

The Three Veterans's poster

The Three Veterans (1984)

aka: Tri veteráni

Zachvev strachu (1984)

...a zase ta Lucie!'s poster

...a zase ta Lucie! (1984)

Barrandovské nocturno aneb Jak film zpíval a tancil (1984)

Andel s dáblem v tele's poster

Andel s dáblem v tele (1984)

Hele, on letí! (1984)

Grandmothers Get Boosted's poster

Grandmothers Get Boosted (1984)

aka: 'Babicky dobíjejte presne!'

Sun, Hay, Berries's poster

Sun, Hay, Berries (1984)

aka: Slunce, seno, jahody

Levé krídlo's poster

Levé krídlo (1984)

Láska s vuní pryskyrice's poster

Láska s vuní pryskyrice (1984)

Vrak (1984)

Hubert the Smart Boy's poster

Hubert the Smart Boy (1985)

aka: Fesák Hubert

Rumburak's poster

Rumburak (1985)

My Sweet Little Village's poster

My Sweet Little Village (1985)

aka: Vesnicko má stredisková

Noc smaragdového mesíce's poster

Noc smaragdového mesíce (1985)

Atomová katedrála's poster

Atomová katedrála (1985)

Dva kluci v palbe (1985)

The Shadow of the Ferns's poster

The Shadow of the Ferns (1985)

aka: Stín kapradiny

Vyjimecná situace (1985)

Kariéra (1985)

Az do konce (1985)

Dobré svetlo's poster

Dobré svetlo (1986)

As Good as Poison's poster

As Good as Poison (1986)

aka: Jako jed

Mravenci nesou smrt's poster

Mravenci nesou smrt (1986)

Jsi falesný hrác's poster

Jsi falesný hrác (1986)

Carovné dedictví's poster

Carovné dedictví (1986)

Nebo být zabit's poster

Nebo být zabit (1986)

Antonyho sance's poster

Antonyho sance (1986)

Veronika's poster

Veronika (1986)

Vsechno nebo nic (1986)

Landscape with Furniture's poster

Landscape with Furniture (1987)

aka: Krajina s nábytkem

Fists in the Dark's poster

Fists in the Dark (1987)

aka: Pesti ve tme

Merry Christmas Octopus's poster

Merry Christmas Octopus (1987)

aka: Veselé vánoce prejí chobotnice

Figurky ze smantu (1987)

Muj hrísny muz's poster

Muj hrísny muz (1987)

Cerná puncocha's poster

Cerná puncocha (1987)

Prátelé Bermudského trojúhelníku's poster

Prátelé Bermudského trojúhelníku (1987)

Bony a klid's poster

Bony a klid (1988)

Who's That Soldier?'s poster

Who's That Soldier? (1988)

aka: Copak je to za vojáka...

Kamarád do deste's poster

Kamarád do deste (1988)

Stupne porazených's poster

Stupne porazených (1988)

House for Two's poster

House for Two (1988)

aka: Dum pro dva

Chained Heat 2's poster

Chained Heat 2 (1993)

aka: Chained Heat II

Stalingrad's poster

Stalingrad (1993)

The Way Through Hell's poster

The Way Through Hell (1995)

aka: Cesta peklem

Code Name Ruby (1997)

aka: Jmeno kodu: Rubin

Lethal Target's poster

Lethal Target (1999)

Fatal Conflict's poster

Fatal Conflict (2000)

I Served the King of England's poster

I Served the King of England (2006)

aka: Obsluhoval jsem anglického krále

Starfire Mutiny's poster

Starfire Mutiny

Ohnivé ženy mezi námi's poster

Ohnivé ženy mezi námi

Rubikova kostka's poster

Rubikova kostka

Stará láska nerezaví's poster

Stará láska nerezaví

Angolský deník lékařky


Příjemce platí v dolarech

Celý svet nad hlavou

Případ Daniela