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Vladimir Basov

Nakhlebnik's poster

Nakhlebnik (1953)

School of Courage's poster

School of Courage (1954)

aka: Shkola muzhestva

Krushenie emirata's poster

Krushenie emirata (1955)

No Ordinary Summer's poster

No Ordinary Summer (1957)

aka: Pervye radosti

Neobyknovennoye leto's poster

Neobyknovennoye leto (1957)

Sluchay na shakhte vosem's poster

Sluchay na shakhte vosem (1958)

Zhizn proshla mimo's poster

Zhizn proshla mimo (1959)

Pikovaya dama's poster

Pikovaya dama (1960)

Bitva v puti's poster

Bitva v puti (1961)

Walking the Streets of Moscow's poster

Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964)

aka: Ya shagayu po Moskve

Tishina's poster

Tishina (1964)

Metel's poster

Metel (1965)

Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures's poster

Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures (1965)

aka: Operatsiya 'Y' i drugie priklyucheniya Shurika

Tridtsat tri's poster

Tridtsat tri (1965)

The Magician's poster

The Magician (1968)

aka: Fokusnik

Crime and Punishment's poster

Crime and Punishment (1970)

aka: Prestuplenie i nakazanie

Bridges Over Oblivion's poster

Bridges Over Oblivion (1970)

aka: Kamurjner moratsutyan vrayov

Beg's poster

Beg (1971)

Ekhali v tramvaye Ilf i Petrov's poster

Ekhali v tramvaye Ilf i Petrov (1972)

Vozvrashchenie k zhizni's poster

Vozvrashchenie k zhizni (1972)

Dacha's poster

Dacha (1973)

Neylon 100%'s poster

Neylon 100% (1973)

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn's poster

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1973)

aka: Sovsem propashchiy

Chipollino's poster

Chipollino (1973)

Afonya's poster

Afonya (1975)

Captain Nemo's poster

Captain Nemo (1975)

aka: Kapitan Nemo

Sentimentalnyi Roman's poster

Sentimentalnyi Roman (1976)

Au-u!'s poster

Au-u! (1976)

Shag navstrechu's poster

Shag navstrechu (1976)

Pod kryshami Monmartra's poster

Pod kryshami Monmartra (1976)

Ivan i Kolombina's poster

Ivan i Kolombina (1977)

Mimino's poster

Mimino (1977)

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti's poster

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti (1977)

Semeynye obstoyatelstva's poster

Semeynye obstoyatelstva (1977)

Solntse, snova solntse's poster

Solntse, snova solntse (1977)

Priekhali na konkurs povara...'s poster

Priekhali na konkurs povara... (1977)

Po semeynym obstoyatelstvam's poster

Po semeynym obstoyatelstvam (1978)

Funny People's poster

Funny People (1978)

aka: Smeshnye lyudi!

Po ulitsam komod vodili...'s poster

Po ulitsam komod vodili... (1978)

Poka bezumstvuyet mechta's poster

Poka bezumstvuyet mechta (1978)

The Miracle Voice of Gelsomino's poster

The Miracle Voice of Gelsomino (1978)

aka: Volshebnyy golos Dzhelsomino

Shla sobaka po royalyu's poster

Shla sobaka po royalyu (1979)

Zhivite v radosti's poster

Zhivite v radosti (1979)

Pena's poster

Pena (1979)

Raspisaniye na poslezavtra's poster

Raspisaniye na poslezavtra (1979)

Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya's poster

Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya (1979)

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears's poster

Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears (1980)

aka: Moskva slezam ne verit

Probivnoy chelovek's poster

Probivnoy chelovek (1980)

Pani Mariya's poster

Pani Mariya (1980)

Assassination Attempt's poster

Assassination Attempt (1981)

aka: Tegeran-43

Vecherniy labirint's poster

Vecherniy labirint (1981)

Fakty minuvshego dnya's poster

Fakty minuvshego dnya (1981)

Zhenshchina v belom's poster

Zhenshchina v belom (1981)

Budte moim muzhem's poster

Budte moim muzhem (1981)

Predchuvstviye lyubvi's poster

Predchuvstviye lyubvi (1982)

Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka's poster

Srochno... sekretno... Gubcheka (1982)

The Story of the Voyages's poster

The Story of the Voyages (1983)

aka: Skazka stranstviy

Pervaya konnaya's poster

Pervaya konnaya (1984)

Vremya i semya Konvey's poster

Vremya i semya Konvey (1984)

Kometa's poster

Kometa (1984)

Sem krikov v okeane's poster

Sem krikov v okeane (1986)

Myshelovka's poster

Myshelovka (1990)

The Adventures of Buratino's poster

The Adventures of Buratino

aka: Приключения Буратино

About the Little Red Riding Hood's poster

About the Little Red Riding Hood

aka: Про Красную Шапочку

The Adventures of the Electronic's poster

The Adventures of the Electronic

aka: Приключения Электроника

The Adventures of Prince Florisel's poster

The Adventures of Prince Florisel

aka: Приключения принца Флоризеля

Look for a Woman's poster

Look for a Woman

aka: Ищите женщину

The Trust That Has Burst's poster

The Trust That Has Burst

aka: Трест, который лопнул

Vacation at Your Own Expense's poster

Vacation at Your Own Expense

aka: Отпуск за свой счет

The Long Recess's poster

The Long Recess

aka: Большая перемена

Days of the Turbins's poster

Days of the Turbins

aka: Дни Турбиных

Never Guessed and Didn't Expect's poster

Never Guessed and Didn't Expect

aka: Не ждали, не гадали

New Year's Song of Father Frost's poster

New Year's Song of Father Frost

aka: Новогодняя песенка Деда Мороза

The Boatswain and The Parrot's poster

The Boatswain and The Parrot

aka: Боцман и попугай

Dangerous Corner's poster

Dangerous Corner

aka: Опасный поворот

Silva's poster


aka: Сильва

The Circus Princess's poster

The Circus Princess

aka: Принцесса цирка

The Imp N13's poster

The Imp N13

aka: Чертёнок №13

Legends of Peruvian Indians's poster

Legends of Peruvian Indians

aka: Легенды перуанских индейцев

The Roundabout's poster

The Roundabout

aka: Карусель

Nose's poster


aka: Нос

In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night's poster

In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night

aka: В тринадцатом часу ночи

Aistyonok's poster


aka: Аистенок

Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya Gorynycha's poster

Poslednyaya nevesta Zmeya Gorynycha

aka: Последняя невеста Змея Горыныча

Поездка через город's poster

Поездка через город

The Grandmothers Told in Two...'s poster

The Grandmothers Told in Two...

aka: Бабушки надвое сказали...

Суббота и воскресенье's poster

Суббота и воскресенье

Tom Thumb's poster

Tom Thumb

aka: Мальчик с пальчик

Slashing Fellow's poster

Slashing Fellow

aka: Храбрец-удалец

Чудный характер's poster

Чудный характер

Войникът от обоза's poster

Войникът от обоза

The Love of Three Oranges's poster

The Love of Three Oranges

aka: Любовта към трите портокала

Vassilissa Mikulishna's poster

Vassilissa Mikulishna

aka: Василиса Микулишна