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Boryslav Brondukov

Flower on the Stone's poster

Flower on the Stone (1962)

aka: Tsvetok na kamne

Net neizvestnykh soldat's poster

Net neizvestnykh soldat (1965)

Viy's poster

Viy (1967)

Buryan's poster

Buryan (1967)

Vechir na Ivana Kupala's poster

Vechir na Ivana Kupala (1968)

Kaminnyy khrest's poster

Kaminnyy khrest (1968)

Kto vernyotsa, dolyubit's poster

Kto vernyotsa, dolyubit (1968)

Razvedchiki's poster

Razvedchiki (1969)

Opasnye gastroli's poster

Opasnye gastroli (1969)

Yesli yest parusa's poster

Yesli yest parusa (1969)

Annychka's poster

Annychka (1969)

Ostrov Volchiy's poster

Ostrov Volchiy (1970)

Semya Kotsyubinskikh's poster

Semya Kotsyubinskikh (1971)

Komisary's poster

Komisary (1971)

Zakhar Berkut's poster

Zakhar Berkut (1971)

Olesya's poster

Olesya (1971)

Gibel chernogo konsula's poster

Gibel chernogo konsula (1971)

A Step from the Roof's poster

A Step from the Roof (1971)

aka: Shag s kryshi

Semnadtsatyy transatlanticheskiy's poster

Semnadtsatyy transatlanticheskiy (1972)

Sofya Grushko (1972)

Zdravstvuy i proshchay's poster

Zdravstvuy i proshchay (1973)

Did Livogo Kraynogo's poster

Did Livogo Kraynogo (1973)

Ya sluzhu na granitse's poster

Ya sluzhu na granitse (1974)

Marina (1974)

Premiya's poster

Premiya (1975)

Afonya's poster

Afonya (1975)

Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya's poster

Zvezda plenitelnogo schastya (1975)

Pobeg iz dvortsa's poster

Pobeg iz dvortsa (1975)

Povtornaya svadba's poster

Povtornaya svadba (1976)

Queen of the Gypsies's poster

Queen of the Gypsies (1976)

aka: Tabor ukhodit v nebo

Mimino's poster

Mimino (1977)

Trevozhnyy mesyats Veresen's poster

Trevozhnyy mesyats Veresen (1977)

Vdovy's poster

Vdovy (1977)

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti's poster

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti (1977)

Yuliya Vrevskaya (1978)

Zhenitba's poster

Zhenitba (1978)

Vas ozhidayet grazhdanka Nikanorova's poster

Vas ozhidayet grazhdanka Nikanorova (1978)

Sueta suet's poster

Sueta suet (1979)

Autumn Marathon's poster

Autumn Marathon (1979)

aka: Osenniy marafon

Vavilon XX's poster

Vavilon XX (1979)

Kot v meshke's poster

Kot v meshke (1979)

The Garage's poster

The Garage (1980)

aka: Garazh

Spodelena lyubov's poster

Spodelena lyubov (1980)

Santa Esperansa's poster

Santa Esperansa (1980)

Smotri v oba!'s poster

Smotri v oba! (1981)

Krupnyy razgovor's poster

Krupnyy razgovor (1981)

Sportloto-82's poster

Sportloto-82 (1982)

The Fall of the Condor's poster

The Fall of the Condor (1982)

aka: Padeniye Kondora

Slyozy kapali's poster

Slyozy kapali (1983)

Jazzman's poster

Jazzman (1983)

aka: My iz dzhaza

Talisman's poster

Talisman (1983)

Zvyozdnaya komandirovka's poster

Zvyozdnaya komandirovka (1983)

Unikum's poster

Unikum (1984)

Ya gotov prinyat vyzov's poster

Ya gotov prinyat vyzov (1984)

Yesli mozhesh, prosti...'s poster

Yesli mozhesh, prosti... (1984)

A Cruel Romance's poster

A Cruel Romance (1984)

aka: Zhestokiy romans

Delo dlya nastoyashchikh muzhchin's poster

Delo dlya nastoyashchikh muzhchin (1984)

Osenniy podarok fey's poster

Osenniy podarok fey (1985)

Opasno dlya zhizni!'s poster

Opasno dlya zhizni! (1985)

Proshchay, zelen leta...'s poster

Proshchay, zelen leta... (1985)

Gruz bez markirovki's poster

Gruz bez markirovki (1986)

Zlovrednoye voskresenye's poster

Zlovrednoye voskresenye (1986)

Khorosho sidim!'s poster

Khorosho sidim! (1987)

Ne zabudte vyklyuchit televizor's poster

Ne zabudte vyklyuchit televizor (1987)

Ryzhaya feya's poster

Ryzhaya feya (1987)

Raz na raz ne prikhoditsya's poster

Raz na raz ne prikhoditsya (1988)

Svetlaya lichnost's poster

Svetlaya lichnost (1989)

Iskusstvo zhit v Odesse's poster

Iskusstvo zhit v Odesse (1989)

Tikhiy uzhas's poster

Tikhiy uzhas (1989)

Ispanskaya aktrisa dlya russkogo ministra's poster

Ispanskaya aktrisa dlya russkogo ministra (1990)

Senit zon's poster

Senit zon (1991)

I chyort s nami!'s poster

I chyort s nami! (1991)

Izgoy's poster

Izgoy (1991)

Chicha's poster

Chicha (1991)

Kapitan Krokus's poster

Kapitan Krokus (1991)

Gol v Spasskie vorota's poster

Gol v Spasskie vorota (1991)

Podarunok na imenyny's poster

Podarunok na imenyny (1991)

Karpatske zoloto's poster

Karpatske zoloto (1991)

And the Wind Returneth's poster

And the Wind Returneth (1992)

aka: I vozvrashchaetsya veter...

Melodrama s pokusheniem na ubiystvo (1992)

Udachi vam, gospoda's poster

Udachi vam, gospoda (1992)

V poiskakh zolotogo fallosa's poster

V poiskakh zolotogo fallosa (1992)

Then Justice Will Be Mine's poster

Then Justice Will Be Mine (1993)

aka: Ya sama

Zolotoy tsyplyonok's poster

Zolotoy tsyplyonok (1993)

Sekretnyy eshelon's poster

Sekretnyy eshelon (1993)

Vykup's poster

Vykup (1994)

Khippiniada abo materik kokhannya's poster

Khippiniada abo materik kokhannya (1997)

Master i Margarita's poster

Master i Margarita (2006)

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar's poster

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar

aka: О бедном гусаре замолвите слово

Sold Laughter's poster

Sold Laughter

aka: Проданный смех

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 1

Days of the Turbins's poster

Days of the Turbins

aka: Дни Турбиных

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Secret of Treasures's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Secret of Treasures

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Тайна сокровищ

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: King of Blackmailers's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: King of Blackmailers

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Король шантажа

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Mortal Fight's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Mortal Fight

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Смертельная схватка

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Hunting the Tiger's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Hunting the Tiger

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Охота на тигра

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Irene Adler's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Irene Adler

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Ирэн Адлер

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 1's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 1

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Двадцатый век начинается. Часть 1

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 2's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Begins, Part 2

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Двадцатый век начинается. Часть 2

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Treasures of Agra

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Сокровища Агры

Batallions Ask for Fire's poster

Batallions Ask for Fire

aka: Батальоны просят огня

The Green Van's poster

The Green Van

aka: Зеленый фургон

According to Lopotukhin...'s poster

According to Lopotukhin...

aka: Если верить Лопотухину...

Dulcinea of Tobossa's poster

Dulcinea of Tobossa

aka: Дульсинея Тобосская

Нужные люди's poster

Нужные люди

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Approaches's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Approaches

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Двадцатый век начинается

Wisdom Meter's poster

Wisdom Meter

aka: Мудромер

Psychic's poster


aka: Экстрасенс

Nose's poster


aka: Нос

About Everyone In The World's poster

About Everyone In The World

aka: Про всіх на світі

Three's poster


aka: Тройка

Dandelion the Puffy Cheeks's poster

Dandelion the Puffy Cheeks

aka: Кульбаба ‒ товсті щоки

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 2

Downfall of Dieties's poster

Downfall of Dieties

aka: Загибель богів

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Bloody Inscription's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: Bloody Inscription

aka: Шерлок Холмс и Доктор Ватсон: Кровавая надпись

...А человек играет на трубе's poster

...А человек играет на трубе

Where are you, Knights?'s poster

Where are you, Knights?

aka: Где вы, рыцари?

My Sons' Day

aka: День моих сыновей

Приговор's poster


Вечерницы's poster


The Kaidash Family's poster

The Kaidash Family

aka: Кайдашева сім'я

Varka's Land's poster

Varka's Land

aka: Варькина земля

Autumn Trip to Mother's poster

Autumn Trip to Mother

aka: Осіння дорога до мами

Magic Glasses's poster

Magic Glasses

aka: Чарівні окуляри

Подвиг Одессы's poster

Подвиг Одессы

Не забудьте выключить телевизор's poster

Не забудьте выключить телевизор

Антология приколов's poster

Антология приколов

Cossack Outpost's poster

Cossack Outpost

aka: Казачья застава

Лада из страны берендеев's poster

Лада из страны берендеев

Premiere in Sosnivka's poster

Premiere in Sosnivka

aka: Премьера в Сосновке

Tram-tararam or Buhty-barahty's poster

Tram-tararam or Buhty-barahty

aka: Трам-тарарам, или Бухты-барахты

One Second for a Feat's poster

One Second for a Feat

aka: Секунда на подвиг

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson's poster

Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson

aka: Шерлок Холмс и доктор Ватсон

Tales about Ivan

aka: Небилиці про Івана

Four sheets of plywood's poster

Four sheets of plywood

aka: Чотири листи фанери або Два вбивства у барі

Історія пані Ївги's poster

Історія пані Ївги