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Пётр Глебов

They Met in Moscow's poster

They Met in Moscow (1941)

aka: Svinarka i pastukh

The Train Goes East's poster

The Train Goes East (1948)

aka: Poezd idyot na vostok

Quiet Flows the Don's poster

Quiet Flows the Don (1957)

aka: Tikhiy Don

Baltiyskoe nebo's poster

Baltiyskoe nebo (1960)

Virgin Soil Upturned's poster

Virgin Soil Upturned (1960)

aka: Podnyataya tselina

A Requiem for Mozart's poster

A Requiem for Mozart (1962)

aka: Motsart i Salieri

The Tsar's Bride's poster

The Tsar's Bride (1965)

aka: Cara ligava

Loneliness's poster

Loneliness (1965)

aka: Odinochestvo

A teper sudi... (1967)

Oni zhivut ryadom's poster

Oni zhivut ryadom (1968)

Nepodsuden's poster

Nepodsuden (1969)

Morskoy kharakter's poster

Morskoy kharakter (1970)

Osvobozhdenie: Ognennaya duga's poster

Osvobozhdenie: Ognennaya duga (1970)

Liberation's poster

Liberation (1971)

aka: Osvobozhdenie: Napravlenie glavnogo udara

Kochuyushchiy front's poster

Kochuyushchiy front (1971)

Smertnyy vrag's poster

Smertnyy vrag (1972)

Na kray sveta's poster

Na kray sveta (1975)

Pugachev's poster

Pugachev (1979)

aka: Emelyan Pugachev

The Youth of Peter the Great's poster

The Youth of Peter the Great (1980)

aka: Yunost Petra

Muzhiki!'s poster

Muzhiki! (1981)

The Man on the Golden Horse's poster

The Man on the Golden Horse (1981)

aka: Vsadnik na zolotom kone

Polyn - trava gorkaya's poster

Polyn - trava gorkaya (1983)

Formula sveta's poster

Formula sveta (1983)

Nasledstvo's poster

Nasledstvo (1985)

Idushchiy sledom's poster

Idushchiy sledom (1985)

Postaraysya ostatsya zhivym's poster

Postaraysya ostatsya zhivym (1986)

Bez sroka davnosti's poster

Bez sroka davnosti (1987)

Bravye parni's poster

Bravye parni (1993)

Dedushka khoroshiy, no... ne govorit, kuda spryatal den'gi's poster

Dedushka khoroshiy, no... ne govorit, kuda spryatal den'gi (1993)


aka: Sürəyya

О друзьях-товарищах's poster

О друзьях-товарищах

Bonivur's Heart's poster

Bonivur's Heart

aka: Сердце Бонивура