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Aleksandr Belyavskiy

Rasskazy o Lenine's poster

Rasskazy o Lenine (1958)

Spasite nashi dushi's poster

Spasite nashi dushi (1960)

Absolutely Seriously's poster

Absolutely Seriously (1961)

aka: Sovershenno seryozno

Noch bez miloserdiya's poster

Noch bez miloserdiya (1962)

Eto sluchilos v militsii's poster

Eto sluchilos v militsii (1963)

Przerwany lot's poster

Przerwany lot (1964)

Idu na grozu's poster

Idu na grozu (1965)

July Rain's poster

July Rain (1967)

aka: Iyulskiy dozhd

Ikh znali tolko v litso's poster

Ikh znali tolko v litso (1967)

The Mysterious Monk's poster

The Mysterious Monk (1968)

aka: Tainstvennyy monakh

24-25 ne vozvrashchaetsya's poster

24-25 ne vozvrashchaetsya (1969)

Glavnyy svidetel's poster

Glavnyy svidetel (1969)

Dzien oczyszczenia (1970)

Talanty i poklonniki's poster

Talanty i poklonniki (1973)

Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia's poster

Unbelievable Adventures of Italians in Russia (1974)

aka: Neveroyatnye priklyucheniya italyantsev v Rossii

Svet v kontse tonnelya's poster

Svet v kontse tonnelya (1974)

The Arrows of Robin Hood's poster

The Arrows of Robin Hood (1975)

aka: Strely Robin Guda

Kogda drozhit zemlya's poster

Kogda drozhit zemlya (1975)

Dorogoy malchik's poster

Dorogoy malchik (1975)

Ocalic miasto's poster

Ocalic miasto (1976)

Pod kryshami Monmartra's poster

Pod kryshami Monmartra (1976)

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti's poster

100 gramm dlya khrabrosti (1977)

Rallijs's poster

Rallijs (1978)

Pravo pervoy podpisi's poster

Pravo pervoy podpisi (1978)

Father Sergius's poster

Father Sergius (1979)

aka: Otets Sergiy

V nachale slavnykh del's poster

V nachale slavnykh del (1980)

Na Granatovykh ostrovakh's poster

Na Granatovykh ostrovakh (1981)

Anxious Sunday's poster

Anxious Sunday (1983)

aka: Trevozhnoye voskresenye

Zudov, vy uvoleny's poster

Zudov, vy uvoleny (1984)

Trevozhnyy vylet's poster

Trevozhnyy vylet (1984)

Na druhom brehu sloboda (1985)

Povod's poster

Povod (1986)

Golova Gorgony's poster

Golova Gorgony (1987)

Proisshestviye v Utinoozyorske's poster

Proisshestviye v Utinoozyorske (1989)

Chastnyy detektiv, ili operatsiya 'Kooperatsiya''s poster

Chastnyy detektiv, ili operatsiya 'Kooperatsiya' (1990)

The Promised Heaven's poster

The Promised Heaven (1991)

aka: Nebesa obetovannye

Nevozvrashchenets's poster

Nevozvrashchenets (1991)

Pod maskoy Berkuta's poster

Pod maskoy Berkuta (1992)

Traktoristy II's poster

Traktoristy II (1992)

The Executor's poster

The Executor (1992)

aka: Ispolnitel prigovora

Lepiej byc piekna i bogata's poster

Lepiej byc piekna i bogata (1993)

The Gray Wolves's poster

The Gray Wolves (1993)

aka: Serye volki

The Nick of Time's poster

The Nick of Time (1993)

aka: Auktsion

Vopreki vsemu's poster

Vopreki vsemu (1993)

La piste du télégraphe's poster

La piste du télégraphe (1994)

Marquis de Sade's poster

Marquis de Sade (1996)

Tikhie omuty's poster

Tikhie omuty (2000)

Demobbed's poster

Demobbed (2000)

aka: DMB

The Spring to Come's poster

The Spring to Come (2001)

aka: Przedwiosnie

The Sum of All Fears's poster

The Sum of All Fears (2002)

Antikiller's poster

Antikiller (2002)

aka: [Anti]killer

Moscow Heat's poster

Moscow Heat (2004)

The Irony of Fate 2's poster

The Irony of Fate 2 (2007)

aka: Ironiya sudby. Prodolzhenie

A Kiss: Not for the Press's poster

A Kiss: Not for the Press (2008)

aka: Potseluy ne dlya pressy

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar's poster

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar

aka: О бедном гусаре замолвите слово

The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!'s poster

The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath!

aka: Ирония судьбы, или С легким паром!

The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed's poster

The Meeting Place Cannot Be Changed

aka: Место встречи изменить нельзя

Polygon's poster


aka: Полигон

Aniskin Again's poster

Aniskin Again

aka: И снова Анискин

There Were Three Bachelors's poster

There Were Three Bachelors

aka: Жили три холостяка

Entrance to Labyrinth's poster

Entrance to Labyrinth

aka: Вход в лабиринт

Failure of Engineer Garin's poster

Failure of Engineer Garin

aka: Крах инженера Гарина

Antarctic Tale's poster

Antarctic Tale

aka: Антарктическая повесть

Big "Wick"'s poster

Big "Wick"

aka: Большой «Фитиль» (Киноальманах)

A Very Blue Beard's poster

A Very Blue Beard

aka: Очень синяя борода

Hercules and Admetus's poster

Hercules and Admetus

aka: Геракл у Адмета

The Nymph Salmacis's poster

The Nymph Salmacis

aka: Нимфа Салмака

Goldfish's poster


aka: Золотая рыбка

Defeat's poster


aka: Поражение

Иностранцы's poster


Факир на час

The Jester Balakirev's poster

The Jester Balakirev

aka: Шут Балакирев

God's Gift's poster

God's Gift

aka: Дар божий

You're Nothing But Tears's poster

You're Nothing But Tears

aka: От тебя одни слёзы

Coast Warning's poster

Coast Warning

aka: Штормовое предупреждение

The Loser's Son's poster

The Loser's Son

aka: Сын Неудачника

Two Kilometers from the New Year's poster

Two Kilometers from the New Year

aka: В двух километрах от Нового года

Heirs of Rabourdin's poster

Heirs of Rabourdin

aka: Наследники Рабурдэна

One Second for a Feat's poster

One Second for a Feat

aka: Секунда на подвиг

Александр Белявский. Личное дело Фокса

Бюро находок (Фильм 2)

Alexander Belyavsky. The Last Escape

aka: Александр Белявский. Последний побег

This Village Mogila...'s poster

This Village Mogila...

aka: Эта деревня Могила...

The Large Amber

aka: Lielais dzintars