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Júlia Buisel

O Miúdo da Bica's poster

O Miúdo da Bica (1963)

Birds with Clipped Wings's poster

Birds with Clipped Wings (1963)

aka: Pássaros de Asas Cortadas

Belarmino's poster

Belarmino (1964)

Uma Hora de Amor's poster

Uma Hora de Amor (1964)

A Última Pega's poster

A Última Pega (1964)

Just Peter (1972)

aka: Pedro Só

Island of Loves's poster

Island of Loves (1982)

aka: A Ilha dos Amores

The Cannibals's poster

The Cannibals (1988)

aka: Os Canibais

A Divina Comédia's poster

A Divina Comédia (1991)

Memories and Confessions's poster

Memories and Confessions (1993)

aka: Visita ou Memórias e Confissões

Abraham's Valley's poster

Abraham's Valley (1993)

aka: Vale Abraão

A Caixa's poster

A Caixa (1994)

The Convent's poster

The Convent (1995)

aka: O Convento

Voyage to the Beginning of the World's poster

Voyage to the Beginning of the World (1997)

aka: Viagem ao Princípio do Mundo

The Uncertainty Principle's poster

The Uncertainty Principle (2002)

aka: O Princípio da Incerteza

A Talking Picture's poster

A Talking Picture (2003)

aka: Um Filme Falado

Magic Mirror (2005)

aka: Espelho Mágico

Belle toujours's poster

Belle toujours (2006)

Christopher Columbus, the Enigma's poster

Christopher Columbus, the Enigma (2007)

aka: Cristóvão Colombo - O Enigma

Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl's poster

Eccentricities of a Blonde-Haired Girl (2009)

aka: Singularidades de uma Rapariga Loura

Gebo and the Shadow's poster

Gebo and the Shadow (2012)

aka: Gebo et l'ombre

The Old Man of Belem's poster

The Old Man of Belem

aka: O Velho do Restelo

How Many Times Have You Dreamt About Me?'s poster

How Many Times Have You Dreamt About Me?

aka: Quantas Vezes Tem Sonhado Comigo?

Adeus Senhor António's poster

Adeus Senhor António