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Mikhail Kozakov

Ubiystvo na ulitse Dante's poster

Ubiystvo na ulitse Dante (1956)

Syostry's poster

Syostry (1957)

Trudnoe schaste's poster

Trudnoe schaste (1958)

Vosemnadtsatyy god's poster

Vosemnadtsatyy god (1958)

Zolotoy eshelon's poster

Zolotoy eshelon (1959)

Baltiyskoe nebo's poster

Baltiyskoe nebo (1960)

Vdali ot rodiny's poster

Vdali ot rodiny (1960)

Evgeniya Grande (1960)

Amphibian Man's poster

Amphibian Man (1961)

aka: Chelovek-amfibiya

Nine Days of One Year's poster

Nine Days of One Year (1962)

aka: Devyat dney odnogo goda

The Trial of Madmen's poster

The Trial of Madmen (1962)

aka: Sud sumasshedshikh

Stroitsya most's poster

Stroitsya most (1966)

The Red and the White's poster

The Red and the White (1967)

aka: Csillagosok, katonák

Vystrel's poster

Vystrel (1967)

Ne goryuy!'s poster

Ne goryuy! (1968)

Den solntsa i dozhdya's poster

Den solntsa i dozhdya (1968)

Povest' o chekiste's poster

Povest' o chekiste (1969)

Dva dnya chudes's poster

Dva dnya chudes (1970)

Goya or The Hard Way to Enlightenment's poster

Goya or The Hard Way to Enlightenment (1971)

aka: Goya - oder Der arge Weg der Erkenntnis

Peterss (1972)

Grossmeyster's poster

Grossmeyster (1973)

Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti's poster

Ispolnyayushchiy obyazannosti (1974)

Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa's poster

Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa (1975)

Tovarishch Innokentiy's poster

Tovarishch Innokentiy (1981)

Shestoy's poster

Shestoy (1982)

Demidovy's poster

Demidovy (1983)

Unikum's poster

Unikum (1984)

Khrani menya, moy talisman's poster

Khrani menya, moy talisman (1986)

Mister Designer's poster

Mister Designer (1987)

aka: Gospodin oformitel

Soccer Player's poster

Soccer Player (1990)

aka: Futbolist

Duraki umirayut po pyatnitsam's poster

Duraki umirayut po pyatnitsam (1990)

Maniya Zhizeli's poster

Maniya Zhizeli (1995)

Rokovye yaytsa's poster

Rokovye yaytsa (1996)

24 Hours's poster

24 Hours (2000)

aka: 24 chasa

Lavina's poster

Lavina (2001)

Igra v modern's poster

Igra v modern (2003)

Smert Tairova's poster

Smert Tairova (2004)

Master i Margarita's poster

Master i Margarita (2006)

Sdvig's poster

Sdvig (2006)

Zdravstvuyte, my vasha krysha's poster

Zdravstvuyte, my vasha krysha (2006)

Ocharovanie zla's poster

Ocharovanie zla (2006)

Lyubov-Morkov's poster

Lyubov-Morkov (2007)

Lyubov 2 Morkov's poster

Lyubov 2 Morkov (2008)

Apelsinovyy sok's poster

Apelsinovyy sok (2010)

Love-Carrot 3's poster

Love-Carrot 3 (2011)

aka: Lyubov-Morkov 3

Boris Godunov's poster

Boris Godunov (2011)

Skazka. Est's poster

Skazka. Est (2012)

The Amphibian Man's poster

The Amphibian Man

aka: Chelovek-Amfibiya

The Pokrovsky Gates's poster

The Pokrovsky Gates

aka: Покровские ворота

Network Keepers's poster

Network Keepers

aka: Khraniteli Seti

Hello, I'm Your Aunt!'s poster

Hello, I'm Your Aunt!

aka: Здравствуйте, я ваша тётя!

38 Parrots's poster

38 Parrots

aka: 38 попугаев

The Pretty Man's poster

The Pretty Man

aka: Красавец-мужчина

An Unnamed Star's poster

An Unnamed Star

aka: Безымянная звезда

The Visit's poster

The Visit

aka: Визит дамы

According to Lopotukhin...'s poster

According to Lopotukhin...

aka: Если верить Лопотухину...

Lev Gurych Sinichkin's poster

Lev Gurych Sinichkin

aka: Лев Гурыч Синичкин

December 20th's poster

December 20th

aka: 20 декабря

Octopus's poster


aka: Осьминожки

Riddle of the Sphinx's poster

Riddle of the Sphinx

aka: Загадка сфинкса

Incredible Bet, or True Event That Ended Happily Hundred Years Ago's poster

Incredible Bet, or True Event That Ended Happily Hundred Years Ago

aka: Невероятное пари, или Истинное происшествие, благополучно завершившееся сто лет назад

Comedy of mistakes's poster

Comedy of mistakes

aka: Комедия ошибок

And What if It Works!'s poster

And What if It Works!

aka: А вдруг получится!

Hello Monkey's poster

Hello Monkey

aka: Привет мартышке

Boa's Grandmother's poster

Boa's Grandmother

aka: Бабушка удава

How to cure Boa?'s poster

How to cure Boa?

aka: Как лечить удава?

Where is Elephant Going?'s poster

Where is Elephant Going?

aka: Куда идет слонёнок

Gymnastics for the Tail's poster

Gymnastics for the Tail

aka: Зарядка для хвоста

Tomorrow Will Be Tomorrow's poster

Tomorrow Will Be Tomorrow

aka: Завтра будет завтра

And I'm with You Again...'s poster

And I'm with You Again...

aka: И с вами снова я...

State Border: Vol. 2. Peaceful Summer of '21's poster

State Border: Vol. 2. Peaceful Summer of '21

aka: Государственная граница. Фильм 2. Мирное лето 21-го года

Синдикат-2's poster


Ordinary story's poster

Ordinary story

aka: Обыкновенная история

Dombey & Son's poster

Dombey & Son

aka: Домби и сын

Ten's poster


aka: Тень, или Может быть, всё обойдется

Детство. Отрочество. Юность's poster

Детство. Отрочество. Юность

The Straw Hat's poster

The Straw Hat

aka: Соломенная шляпка

Vory i Prostitutki. Priz - Polyot v Kosmos

aka: Воры и проститутки. Приз - полёт в космос

The Rain's poster

The Rain

aka: Дождь

Mukh the Walker's poster

Mukh the Walker

aka: Мук-скороход

Ужин в четыре руки's poster

Ужин в четыре руки

The Great Closure's poster

The Great Closure

aka: Великое закрытие

Unobvious Textbook's poster

Unobvious Textbook

aka: Ненаглядное пособие

Boris Godounov's poster

Boris Godounov

aka: Борис Годунов

Last Salvos's poster

Last Salvos

aka: Последние залпы

Записки Пиквикского клуба's poster

Записки Пиквикского клуба

Вся королевская рать's poster

Вся королевская рать

Night of the Mistakes's poster

Night of the Mistakes

aka: Ночь ошибок

Wonder Valley's poster

Wonder Valley

aka: Чудная долина


aka: Воительница

Amphibian Man: 40 Years Later's poster

Amphibian Man: 40 Years Later

aka: Человек-Амфибия: 40 лет спустя

Black Blues's poster

Black Blues

aka: Черные блюзы

The Light Shines in the Darkness's poster

The Light Shines in the Darkness

aka: И свет во тьме светит

The Legend of Salieri's poster

The Legend of Salieri

aka: Легенда о Сальери

The Life of Beethoven's poster

The Life of Beethoven

aka: Жизнь Бетховена