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Oleg Basilashvili

The Bride's poster

The Bride (1957)

aka: Nevesta

Granatovyy braslet's poster

Granatovyy braslet (1965)

The Conspiracy of Ambassadors's poster

The Conspiracy of Ambassadors (1966)

aka: Zagovor poslov

Starshaya sestra's poster

Starshaya sestra (1967)

The Living Corpse's poster

The Living Corpse (1969)

aka: Zhivoy trup

Nashi znakomyye's poster

Nashi znakomyye (1969)

Vozvrashchenie 'Svyatogo Luki''s poster

Vozvrashchenie 'Svyatogo Luki' (1970)

Ballada o Beringe i ego druzyakh's poster

Ballada o Beringe i ego druzyakh (1971)

Opoznanie's poster

Opoznanie (1973)

Vracha vyzyvali?'s poster

Vracha vyzyvali? (1975)

Vybor tseli's poster

Vybor tseli (1975)

Vozdukhoplavatel's poster

Vozdukhoplavatel (1975)

Den priyoma po lichnym voprosam's poster

Den priyoma po lichnym voprosam (1975)

A Slave of Love's poster

A Slave of Love (1976)

aka: Raba lyubvi

Office Romance's poster

Office Romance (1977)

aka: Sluzhebnyy roman

Vsegda so mnoyu's poster

Vsegda so mnoyu (1977)

Funny People's poster

Funny People (1978)

aka: Smeshnye lyudi!

Osobykh primet net's poster

Osobykh primet net (1979)

Autumn Marathon's poster

Autumn Marathon (1979)

aka: Osenniy marafon

A Few Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov's poster

A Few Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov (1980)

aka: Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.I. Oblomova

A Railway Station for Two's poster

A Railway Station for Two (1983)

aka: Vokzal dlya dvoikh

I vot prishyol Bumbo...'s poster

I vot prishyol Bumbo... (1985)

Souchastie v ubiystve's poster

Souchastie v ubiystve (1986)

Courier's poster

Courier (1986)

aka: Kuryer

Konets sveta s posleduyushchim simpoziumom's poster

Konets sveta s posleduyushchim simpoziumom (1987)

Zerograd's poster

Zerograd (1988)

aka: Gorod Zero

Chernov/Chernov's poster

Chernov/Chernov (1990)

The Promised Heaven's poster

The Promised Heaven (1991)

aka: Nebesa obetovannye

Bilet v krasnyy teatr, ili smert grobokopatelya's poster

Bilet v krasnyy teatr, ili smert grobokopatelya (1992)

Sny's poster

Sny (1993)

Predskazaniye's poster

Predskazaniye (1993)

Heads and Tails's poster

Heads and Tails (1995)

aka: Oryol i reshka

The Romanovs: An Imperial Family's poster

The Romanovs: An Imperial Family (2000)

aka: Romanovy: Ventsenosnaya semya

Poisons or the World History of Poisoning's poster

Poisons or the World History of Poisoning (2001)

aka: Yady, ili vsemirnaya istoriya otravleniy

Karnavalnaya noch 2, ili 50 let spustya's poster

Karnavalnaya noch 2, ili 50 let spustya (2007)

Oceans's poster

Oceans (2008)

aka: Océans

Don't Think About White Monkeys's poster

Don't Think About White Monkeys (2008)

aka: Ne dumay pro belykh obezyan

Bez granits's poster

Bez granits (2015)

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar's poster

Say a Word for the Poor Hussar

aka: О бедном гусаре замолвите слово

Days of the Turbins's poster

Days of the Turbins

aka: Дни Турбиных

Azazel's poster


aka: Азазель

Reading Book of Blockade's poster

Reading Book of Blockade

aka: Читаем блокадную книгу

Вербное воскресенье's poster

Вербное воскресенье

Про Веру и Анфису

Confrontation's poster


aka: Противостояние

Дядя Ваня's poster

Дядя Ваня

Пиквикский клуб's poster

Пиквикский клуб

Зима тревоги нашей's poster

Зима тревоги нашей

The Judge is Trapped's poster

The Judge is Trapped

aka: Судья в ловушке

Story of the Miracle of Miracles's poster

Story of the Miracle of Miracles

aka: Рассказ о чуде из чудес

Не ждали's poster

Не ждали

Fear and Despair in the Third Empire's poster

Fear and Despair in the Third Empire

aka: Страх и отчаяние в Третьей империи

Eccentrics's poster


aka: Чудаки

Colonel Chabert's poster

Colonel Chabert

aka: Полковник Шабер

31st Dept.'s poster

31st Dept.

aka: 31-й отдел

Dead Souls's poster

Dead Souls

aka: Мёртвые души

Banditskiy Peterburg: Advokat's poster

Banditskiy Peterburg: Advokat

aka: Бандитский Петербург. Фильм 2. Адвокат

Подзорная труба's poster

Подзорная труба

Nine Days and a Lifetime's poster

Nine Days and a Lifetime

aka: Девять дней и вся жизнь

Oblomov's poster


aka: Обломов

Bribes are Smooth's poster

Bribes are Smooth

aka: Взятки гладки

Вера и Анфиса тушат пожар's poster

Вера и Анфиса тушат пожар

Hot Soul's poster

Hot Soul

aka: Горячая душа

Sobchak. Woe from Wit's poster

Sobchak. Woe from Wit

aka: Собчак. Горе от ума

The Chosen Ones

aka: Избранники

Leningrad's poster


Yankovsky's poster


aka: Янковский

Litsom k litsu's poster

Litsom k litsu

aka: Лицом к лицу

Kukhlya's poster


aka: Кюхля

Рембрандт's poster


The Case's poster

The Case

aka: Дело

История лошади's poster

История лошади

Вместе с Дунаевским's poster

Вместе с Дунаевским

Quartet's poster


aka: Квартет

А.П.Чехов - Дорогая собака, Злоумышленник, Жених и папенька...

The New Adventures of Aladdin's poster

The New Adventures of Aladdin

aka: Novye priklyucheniya Aladdina

The Incredible Yehudiel Chlamydia's poster

The Incredible Yehudiel Chlamydia

aka: Невероятный Иегудиил Хламида