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Lev Durov

Good Morning's poster

Good Morning (1955)

aka: Dobroe utro

Gost s Kubani's poster

Gost s Kubani (1956)

The Variegateds Case's poster

The Variegateds Case (1958)

aka: Delo Pyostrykh

Visokosnyy god's poster

Visokosnyy god (1962)

Walking the Streets of Moscow's poster

Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964)

aka: Ya shagayu po Moskve

Dvoe v stepi's poster

Dvoe v stepi (1964)

A Span of Land's poster

A Span of Land (1964)

aka: Pyad zemli

Vremya, vperyod!'s poster

Vremya, vperyod! (1965)

Ko mne, Mukhtar!'s poster

Ko mne, Mukhtar! (1965)

Lebedev protiv Lebedeva's poster

Lebedev protiv Lebedeva (1965)

Chyort s portfelem's poster

Chyort s portfelem (1966)

Idu iskat's poster

Idu iskat (1966)

The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik's poster

The Life and Ascension of Yuras Bratchik (1967)

aka: Zhitiye i vozneseniye Yurasya Bratchika

Morskie rasskazy's poster

Morskie rasskazy (1967)

Zhazhda nad ruchyom's poster

Zhazhda nad ruchyom (1968)

Pervaya devushka's poster

Pervaya devushka (1969)

Unterwegs zu Lenin's poster

Unterwegs zu Lenin (1970)

Sevastopol's poster

Sevastopol (1970)

Sluchay s Polyninym's poster

Sluchay s Polyninym (1971)

Grandads-Robbers's poster

Grandads-Robbers (1972)

aka: Stariki-razboyniki

Yegor Bulychyov i drugiye's poster

Yegor Bulychyov i drugiye (1972)

Zayachiy zapovednik's poster

Zayachiy zapovednik (1972)

Ekhali v tramvaye Ilf i Petrov's poster

Ekhali v tramvaye Ilf i Petrov (1972)

Chelovek na svoyom meste's poster

Chelovek na svoyom meste (1973)

Chetvyortyy's poster

Chetvyortyy (1973)

Zemlya, do vostrebovaniya's poster

Zemlya, do vostrebovaniya (1973)

Avariynoye polozheniye's poster

Avariynoye polozheniye (1973)

Oblaka's poster

Oblaka (1973)

The Red Snowball Tree's poster

The Red Snowball Tree (1974)

aka: Kalina krasnaya

Moscow: Cassiopea's poster

Moscow: Cassiopea (1974)

aka: Moskva-Kassiopeya

Otkrytaya kniga's poster

Otkrytaya kniga (1974)

Georgiy Sedov's poster

Georgiy Sedov (1975)

Teens in the Universe's poster

Teens in the Universe (1975)

aka: Otroki vo vselennoy

Posledniy den zimy's poster

Posledniy den zimy (1975)

Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat's poster

Diamonds for the Dictatorship of the Proletariat (1975)

aka: Brillianty dlya diktatury proletariata

Suse, liebe Suse's poster

Suse, liebe Suse (1975)

Okovani soferi's poster

Okovani soferi (1975)

Vesenniye perevyortyshi's poster

Vesenniye perevyortyshi (1975)

Krestyanskiy syn's poster

Krestyanskiy syn (1975)

Na yasnyy ogon's poster

Na yasnyy ogon (1976)

...I drugie ofitsialnye litsa's poster

...I drugie ofitsialnye litsa (1976)

Trust's poster

Trust (1976)

aka: Doverie

Potryasayushchiy Berendeev's poster

Potryasayushchiy Berendeev (1976)

Shag navstrechu's poster

Shag navstrechu (1976)

Zhit po-svoyemu's poster

Zhit po-svoyemu (1976)

Tufli s zolotymi pryazhkami's poster

Tufli s zolotymi pryazhkami (1977)

Poshekhonskaya starina (1977)

Gorod s utra do polunochi's poster

Gorod s utra do polunochi (1977)

Po semeynym obstoyatelstvam's poster

Po semeynym obstoyatelstvam (1978)

Armed and Dangerous: Time and Heroes of Bret Harte's poster

Armed and Dangerous: Time and Heroes of Bret Harte (1978)

aka: Vooruzhyon i ochen opasen

The Scarlet Flower's poster

The Scarlet Flower (1978)

aka: Alenkiy tsvetochek

Veter 'Nadezhdy''s poster

Veter 'Nadezhdy' (1978)

By Faith and Truth's poster

By Faith and Truth (1980)

aka: Veroy i pravdoy

Osobo opasniye's poster

Osobo opasniye (1980)

Fire on East Train 34's poster

Fire on East Train 34 (1981)

aka: 34-y skoryy

Lullabye for Brother's poster

Lullabye for Brother (1982)

aka: Kolybelnaya dlya brata

Farewell's poster

Farewell (1983)

aka: Proshchanie

The Story of the Voyages's poster

The Story of the Voyages (1983)

aka: Skazka stranstviy

Shyol chetvyortyy god voyny's poster

Shyol chetvyortyy god voyny (1983)

Bambi's Childhood's poster

Bambi's Childhood (1985)

aka: Detstvo Bembi

Uspekh's poster

Uspekh (1985)

Zachem cheloveku krylya's poster

Zachem cheloveku krylya (1985)

God telyonka's poster

God telyonka (1986)

Kak stat schastlivym's poster

Kak stat schastlivym (1986)

Povod's poster

Povod (1986)

Bambi's Youth's poster

Bambi's Youth (1987)

aka: Yunost Bembi

A Man from Boulevard des Capucines's poster

A Man from Boulevard des Capucines (1987)

aka: Chelovek s bulvara Kaputsinov

Pilgrim's Captain's poster

Pilgrim's Captain (1987)

aka: Kapitan 'Piligrima'

Esperanza (1988)

Dzhek Vosmyorkin, amerikanets's poster

Dzhek Vosmyorkin, amerikanets (1988)

Smirennoe kladbishche's poster

Smirennoe kladbishche (1989)

Bespredel's poster

Bespredel (1989)

Eto mi, Gospodi...'s poster

Eto mi, Gospodi... (1990)

Shakaly's poster

Shakaly (1990)

Au! Ograblenie poezda's poster

Au! Ograblenie poezda (1991)

Gangstery v okeane's poster

Gangstery v okeane (1991)

Love's poster

Love (1991)

aka: Lyubov

Sheriff's Star's poster

Sheriff's Star (1991)

aka: Zvezda sherifa

Zolotaya shpaga's poster

Zolotaya shpaga (1991)

Utskinari's poster

Utskinari (1991)

Doroga v Paradiz's poster

Doroga v Paradiz (1991)

Sem sorok (1992)

Gardemariny III's poster

Gardemariny III (1992)

Tayna villy's poster

Tayna villy (1992)

Gospoda artisty's poster

Gospoda artisty (1992)

Ubiystvo v Sanshayn-Menor (1992)

Chelovek iz komandy 'Alfa' (1992)

The Gray Wolves's poster

The Gray Wolves (1993)

aka: Serye volki

Bulvarnyy roman's poster

Bulvarnyy roman (1994)

Meshcherskie's poster

Meshcherskie (1995)

Akh, zachem eta noch... (1997)

Sympathy Seeker's poster

Sympathy Seeker (1997)

aka: Sirota kazanskaya

Tango nad propastyu's poster

Tango nad propastyu (1997)

Don't Play the Fool...'s poster

Don't Play the Fool... (1997)

aka: Ne valyay duraka

At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years's poster

At the Dawn of Our Youthful Years (1997)

aka: Na zare tumannoy yunosti

Why Wouldn't We Send a Messenger?'s poster

Why Wouldn't We Send a Messenger? (1998)

aka: Ne poslat li nam... gontsa?

Afinskie vechera's poster

Afinskie vechera (1999)

The Garden Was Full of Moon's poster

The Garden Was Full of Moon (2000)

aka: Lunoy byl polon sad

Vesegonskaya volchitsa's poster

Vesegonskaya volchitsa (2004)

Master i Margarita's poster

Master i Margarita (2006)

Prince Vladimir's poster

Prince Vladimir (2006)

aka: Knyaz Vladimir. Film pervyy

V ozhidanii chuda's poster

V ozhidanii chuda (2007)

Gop-Stop's poster

Gop-Stop (2011)

Ne boysya, ya s toboy! 1919's poster

Ne boysya, ya s toboy! 1919 (2013)

The Long Recess's poster

The Long Recess

aka: Большая перемена

Three from Prostokvashino's poster

Three from Prostokvashino

aka: Трое из Простоквашино

Vacations in Prostokvashino's poster

Vacations in Prostokvashino

aka: Каникулы в Простоквашино

Winter in Prostokvashino's poster

Winter in Prostokvashino

aka: Зима в Простоквашино

Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov's poster

Adventures of Vasia Kurolesov

aka: Приключения Васи Куролесова

The Pretty Man's poster

The Pretty Man

aka: Красавец-мужчина

The Dog In Boots's poster

The Dog In Boots

aka: Пёс в сапогах

Koe-chto iz Gubernskoy Zhizni

aka: Кое-что из губернской жизни

Bumbarash's poster


aka: Бумбараш

Never Guessed and Didn't Expect's poster

Never Guessed and Didn't Expect

aka: Не ждали, не гадали

Don't Be Afraid, I'm with You

aka: Qorxma, mən səninləyəm

Pippi Longstocking's poster

Pippi Longstocking

aka: Пеппи Длинныйчулок

A Quiet Day at the End of the War's poster

A Quiet Day at the End of the War

aka: Спокойный день в конце войны

Olga Sergeevna's poster

Olga Sergeevna

aka: Ольга Сергеевна

Лесные сказки's poster

Лесные сказки

Солнечный зайчик's poster

Солнечный зайчик

Kseniya, Fyodor's Beloved Wife's poster

Kseniya, Fyodor's Beloved Wife

aka: Ксения, любимая жена Фёдора

Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes

aka: И эти губы, и глаза зелёные...

The Fire-Fairy's poster

The Fire-Fairy

aka: Огневушка-поскакушка

Nose's poster


aka: Нос

The Mouse and the Red Sun's poster

The Mouse and the Red Sun

aka: Мышонок и красное солнышко

About a Puppy's poster

About a Puppy

aka: Про щенка

Sadko the Rich's poster

Sadko the Rich

aka: Садко богатый

The Wolf and the Seven Kids's poster

The Wolf and the Seven Kids

aka: Волк и семеро козлят

Medved - Sticky Leg's poster

Medved - Sticky Leg

aka: Медведь - липовая нога

The Lost Galaxy's poster

The Lost Galaxy

aka: Упущенная галактика

Sherlock Holmes and I's poster

Sherlock Holmes and I

aka: Мы с Шерлоком Холмсом

Ivanko and Tsar Poganin's poster

Ivanko and Tsar Poganin

aka: Иванко и царь Поганин

The Night Before Christmas's poster

The Night Before Christmas

aka: Ночь перед Рождеством

Treasure's poster


aka: Клад

Личное счастье's poster

Личное счастье

Different People

aka: Другие люди

Risk Strategy's poster

Risk Strategy

aka: Стратегия риска

Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière's poster

Some Words in Honour of Mr. De Molière

aka: Всего несколько слов в честь господина де Мольера

The Captain's Daughter's poster

The Captain's Daughter

aka: Капитанская дочка

Cousin Pons's poster

Cousin Pons

aka: Кузен Понс

Girl Without Dowry's poster

Girl Without Dowry

aka: Бесприданница

Kashtanka's poster


aka: Каштанка

Also People's poster

Also People

aka: Тоже люди

Nikita's Childhood's poster

Nikita's Childhood

aka: Детство Никиты

Про Клаву Иванову's poster

Про Клаву Иванову

Однокашники's poster


Here, Not Far Away

aka: Тут, недалеко

Претендент's poster


Разрушитель волн's poster

Разрушитель волн

What Is to Be Done?'s poster

What Is to Be Done?

aka: Что делать?

Рассказ барабанщика's poster

Рассказ барабанщика

The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants's poster

The Village of Stepanchikovo and Its Inhabitants

aka: Село Степанчиково и его обитатели

Mikko from Tampere Is Asking for Advice's poster

Mikko from Tampere Is Asking for Advice

Banditskiy Peterburg: Krakh Antibiotika's poster

Banditskiy Peterburg: Krakh Antibiotika

aka: Бандитский Петербург. Фильм 3. Крах Антибиотика

God's Gift's poster

God's Gift

aka: Дар божий

Old Men: Colonels's poster

Old Men: Colonels

aka: Stariki-Polkovniki

Shakh's Diamonds's poster

Shakh's Diamonds

aka: Алмазы шаха

Mologa. Russian Atlantis's poster

Mologa. Russian Atlantis

aka: Молога. Русская Атлантида

How Grandfather Disturbed the Great Balance's poster

How Grandfather Disturbed the Great Balance

aka: Как дед великое равновесие нарушил

Grandfather I-Po's Tale's poster

Grandfather I-Po's Tale

aka: Сказка Дедушки Ай-По

Burn, Burn Bright's poster

Burn, Burn Bright

aka: Гори, гори ясно...

Сладкий родник's poster

Сладкий родник

What Sound Does a Mosquito Make?'s poster

What Sound Does a Mosquito Make?

aka: Какой звук издаёт комар

Подлец's poster


Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva's poster

Posledniy boy mayora Pugacheva

aka: Последний бой майора Пугачёва

Mother Anoush's poster

Mother Anoush

aka: Անուշ մայրիկը

Strange Adults's poster

Strange Adults

aka: Странные взрослые

Pippi Longstocking's poster

Pippi Longstocking

aka: Пеппи Длинный чулок

Male character's poster

Male character

aka: Мужской характер

Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..'s poster

Let's Not Do Any Tricks!..

aka: Давайте без фокусов...

The City of First Love's poster

The City of First Love

aka: Город первой любви

Ваня's poster



aka: Путина

Школа's poster


The Mystery of Edwin Drood's poster

The Mystery of Edwin Drood

aka: Тайна Эдвина Друда

Вся королевская рать's poster

Вся королевская рать

Easy Money's poster

Easy Money

aka: Легкий заработок

Herdsman's Song's poster

Herdsman's Song

aka: Песня табунщика

Dinosaurs of the Twentieth Century's poster

Dinosaurs of the Twentieth Century

aka: Динозавры ХХ века

Александр Белявский. Личное дело Фокса

Про Ерша Ершовича

Chuffyk's poster


aka: Чуффык

A Terrible Thought's poster

A Terrible Thought

aka: Страшная мысль