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Sergei Martinson

The Overcoat's poster

The Overcoat (1926)

aka: Shinel

Diary of a Revolutionist's poster

Diary of a Revolutionist (1932)

aka: Dve vstrechi

Marionettes's poster

Marionettes (1934)

aka: Marionetki

Druzya iz tabora's poster

Druzya iz tabora (1938)

Stepan Razin's poster

Stepan Razin (1939)

The Golden Key's poster

The Golden Key (1939)

aka: Zolotoy klyuchik

Veter s vostoka's poster

Veter s vostoka (1940)

Boyevoy kinosbornik 6 (1941)

Volshebnoye zerno's poster

Volshebnoye zerno (1942)

Schweik gotovitsya k boyu's poster

Schweik gotovitsya k boyu (1942)

Uchitelnitsa Kartashova's poster

Uchitelnitsa Kartashova (1943)

Novye pokhozhdeniya Shveyka's poster

Novye pokhozhdeniya Shveyka (1943)

Lermontov's poster

Lermontov (1943)

We from the Urals's poster

We from the Urals (1944)

aka: My s Urala

Silva's poster

Silva (1944)

Marriage's poster

Marriage (1944)

aka: Svadba

Secret Agent's poster

Secret Agent (1947)

aka: Podvig razvedchika

Tretiy udar's poster

Tretiy udar (1948)

Erkrord karavan (1950)

Nezabyvaemyy 1919 god's poster

Nezabyvaemyy 1919 god (1951)

Przhevalsky's poster

Przhevalsky (1952)

Attack from the Sea's poster

Attack from the Sea (1953)

aka: Korabli shturmuyut bastiony

Sadko's poster

Sadko (1953)

The Bewitched Boy's poster

The Bewitched Boy (1955)

aka: Zakoldovannyy malchik

The Sword and the Dragon's poster

The Sword and the Dragon (1956)

aka: Ilya Muromets

Bezumnyy den's poster

Bezumnyy den (1956)

The Snow Queen's poster

The Snow Queen (1957)

aka: Snezhnaya koroleva

The Idiot's poster

The Idiot (1958)

aka: Idiot

Chernomorochka's poster

Chernomorochka (1959)

V nashem gorode's poster

V nashem gorode (1959)

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man's poster

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man (1960)

aka: Chelovechka narisoval ya

Spasite nashi dushi's poster

Spasite nashi dushi (1960)

Alye parusa's poster

Alye parusa (1961)

The Night Before Christmas's poster

The Night Before Christmas (1961)

aka: Vechera na khutore bliz Dikanki

The Key's poster

The Key (1961)

aka: Klyuch

The Wild Swans's poster

The Wild Swans (1962)

aka: Dikie lebedi

Vesyolye istorii's poster

Vesyolye istorii (1962)

A Tale of Lost Times's poster

A Tale of Lost Times (1964)

aka: Skazka o poteryannom vremeni

The Bicycle Tamers's poster

The Bicycle Tamers (1964)

aka: Jalgrattataltsutajad

Moskva - Genuya's poster

Moskva - Genuya (1964)

Tridtsat tri's poster

Tridtsat tri (1965)

Rats ginakhavs, vegar nakhav's poster

Rats ginakhavs, vegar nakhav (1965)

Skazka o Malchishe-Kibalchishe's poster

Skazka o Malchishe-Kibalchishe (1965)

Dyadushkin son's poster

Dyadushkin son (1966)

The Tale of Tsar Saltan's poster

The Tale of Tsar Saltan (1967)

aka: Skazka o tsare Saltane

The Beauty's poster

The Beauty (1969)

aka: Grazuole

13 porucheniy's poster

13 porucheniy (1969)

Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok's poster

Vremya schastlivykh nakhodok (1970)

V tridevyatom tsarstve's poster

V tridevyatom tsarstve (1972)

Ruslan and Ludmila's poster

Ruslan and Ludmila (1972)

aka: Ruslan i Lyudmila

The Adventures of Mowgli's poster

The Adventures of Mowgli (1973)

aka: Maugli

Letniye sny's poster

Letniye sny (1973)

Goroda i gody's poster

Goroda i gody (1974)

Bolshoy attraktsion's poster

Bolshoy attraktsion (1975)

Armed and Dangerous: Time and Heroes of Bret Harte's poster

Armed and Dangerous: Time and Heroes of Bret Harte (1978)

aka: Vooruzhyon i ochen opasen

Yaroslavna, koroleva Frantsii's poster

Yaroslavna, koroleva Frantsii (1979)

Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya's poster

Novye priklyucheniya kapitana Vrungelya (1979)

I zhizn, i slyozy, i lyubov...'s poster

I zhizn, i slyozy, i lyubov... (1984)

Petia and Little Red Riding Hood's poster

Petia and Little Red Riding Hood

aka: Петя и Красная Шапочка

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 1

Thumbelina's poster


aka: Дюймовочка

The Cat's House's poster

The Cat's House

aka: Кошкин дом

Cipollino's poster


aka: Чиполлино

Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha's poster

Adventures of Mowgli: Raksha

aka: Маугли. Ракша

Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping's poster

Adventures of Mowgli: The Kidnapping

aka: Маугли. Похищение

Adventures of Mowgli: Akela's Last Hunt

aka: Маугли. Последняя охота Акелы

Adventures of Mowgli: The Fight

aka: Маугли. Битва

Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind's poster

Adventures of Mowgli: Return to Mankind

aka: Маугли. Возвращение к людям

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep's poster

The Shepherdess and the Chimney Sweep

aka: Пастушка и Трубочист

The Lost Letter's poster

The Lost Letter

aka: Пропавшая грамота

The Adventures of Oktyabrina's poster

The Adventures of Oktyabrina

aka: Похождения Октябрины

How the Donkey Sought Happiness's poster

How the Donkey Sought Happiness

aka: Как ослик счастье искал

Valuable Kopeck's poster

Valuable Kopeck

aka: Дорогая копейка

Легенда о завещании мавра's poster

Легенда о завещании мавра

Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry's poster

Anton Ivanovich Gets Angry

aka: Антон Иванович сердится

Fedia Zaitsev's poster

Fedia Zaitsev

aka: Федя Зайцев

The Painted Fox's poster

The Painted Fox

aka: Крашеный лис

About a Puppy's poster

About a Puppy

aka: Про щенка

Zolotoe peryshko's poster

Zolotoe peryshko

aka: Золотое перышко

A Goat-Musician's poster

A Goat-Musician

aka: Козел-музыкант

The Lion and the Hare's poster

The Lion and the Hare

aka: Лев и заяц

Little Shego's poster

Little Shego

aka: Маленький Шего

The Boy from Napoli's poster

The Boy from Napoli

aka: Мальчик из Неаполя

The Secret of the Far Away Island's poster

The Secret of the Far Away Island

aka: Тайна далекого острова

Champion's poster


aka: Чемпион

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 2

Daughter of the Sun's poster

Daughter of the Sun

aka: Дочь солнца

Young Partisans's poster

Young Partisans

aka: Юные партизаны

Proizvedenie iskusstva's poster

Proizvedenie iskusstva

aka: Произведение искусства

A Sober Sparrow's poster

A Sober Sparrow

aka: Непьющий воробей

Калиф-аист's poster


Polcan and Shavka's poster

Polcan and Shavka

aka: Полкан и шавка

Бенефис Ларисы Голубкиной's poster

Бенефис Ларисы Голубкиной

Бенефис Сергея Мартинсона's poster

Бенефис Сергея Мартинсона

Ivas's poster


aka: Ивась

Толик и Тобик's poster

Толик и Тобик

A Million in the Sach's poster

A Million in the Sach

aka: Миллион в мешке

First Time in the Circus Arena's poster

First Time in the Circus Arena

aka: Впервые на арене

The Most Important's poster

The Most Important

aka: Самый главный

Улыбнись соседу's poster

Улыбнись соседу

Wind of Freedom's poster

Wind of Freedom

aka: Вольный ветер

Half A Hour For Miracles's poster

Half A Hour For Miracles

aka: Полчаса на чудеса

Про дракона на балконе, про ребят и самокат's poster

Про дракона на балконе, про ребят и самокат

Beetle - Crooked Hill's poster

Beetle - Crooked Hill

aka: Жук-кривая горка

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей

Лиса, бобёр и другие's poster

Лиса, бобёр и другие

The Sleeping Lion's poster

The Sleeping Lion

aka: Спящий лев

The Love of Three Oranges's poster

The Love of Three Oranges

aka: Любовта към трите портокала

The Signature Is Illegible's poster

The Signature Is Illegible

aka: Подпись неразборчива