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Georgiy Vitsin

Hello Moscow!'s poster

Hello Moscow! (1945)

aka: Zdravstvuy, Moskva!

The Hunchback Horse's poster

The Hunchback Horse (1947)

aka: Konyok-Gorbunok

Man of Music's poster

Man of Music (1952)

aka: Kompozitor Glinka

Belinskiy's poster

Belinskiy (1953)

The Boys from Leningrad's poster

The Boys from Leningrad (1954)

aka: Zapasnoy igrok

The Bewitched Boy's poster

The Bewitched Boy (1955)

aka: Zakoldovannyy malchik

Maksim Perepelitsa's poster

Maksim Perepelitsa (1956)

Ubiystvo na ulitse Dante's poster

Ubiystvo na ulitse Dante (1956)

Meksikanets's poster

Meksikanets (1956)

The Twelve Months's poster

The Twelve Months (1956)

aka: Dvenadtsat mesyatsev

Poet's poster

Poet (1957)

The Wrestler and the Clown's poster

The Wrestler and the Clown (1957)

aka: Borets i kloun

Don Kikhot's poster

Don Kikhot (1957)

Ona vas lyubit's poster

Ona vas lyubit (1957)

Devushka s gitaroy's poster

Devushka s gitaroy (1958)

A New Number Comes to Moscow's poster

A New Number Comes to Moscow (1958)

aka: Novyy attraktsion

Zhenikh s togo sveta's poster

Zhenikh s togo sveta (1958)

Vasiliy Surikov's poster

Vasiliy Surikov (1959)

Ottsy i deti's poster

Ottsy i deti (1959)

Satellite (1959)'s poster

Satellite (1959) (1959)

aka: Ya byl sputnikom solntsa

My Breathtaking Beauty's poster

My Breathtaking Beauty (1959)

aka: Krasa nenaglyadnaya

Yak posvaryvsa Ivan Ivanovych z Ivanom Nykyforovychem's poster

Yak posvaryvsa Ivan Ivanovych z Ivanom Nykyforovychem (1959)

The Adventures of Buratino's poster

The Adventures of Buratino (1960)

aka: Priklyucheniya Buratino

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man's poster

It Was I Who Drew the Little Man (1960)

aka: Chelovechka narisoval ya

The Key's poster

The Key (1961)

aka: Klyuch

Konets staroy Beryozovki's poster

Konets staroy Beryozovki (1961)

Absolutely Seriously's poster

Absolutely Seriously (1961)

aka: Sovershenno seryozno

Put k prichalu's poster

Put k prichalu (1962)

Artist iz Kokhanovki's poster

Artist iz Kokhanovki (1962)

Business People's poster

Business People (1963)

aka: Delovye lyudi

Cain the XVIII-th's poster

Cain the XVIII-th (1963)

aka: Kain XVIII

Pervyy trolleybus's poster

Pervyy trolleybus (1963)

Zhenitba Balzaminova's poster

Zhenitba Balzaminova (1964)

A Tale of Lost Times's poster

A Tale of Lost Times (1964)

aka: Skazka o poteryannom vremeni

Vesenniye khlopoty's poster

Vesenniye khlopoty (1964)

Give Me a Complaints Book's poster

Give Me a Complaints Book (1965)

aka: Dayte zhalobnuyu knigu

Little Hare's poster

Little Hare (1965)

aka: Zaychik

Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures's poster

Operation 'Y' & Other Shurik's Adventures (1965)

aka: Operatsiya 'Y' i drugie priklyucheniya Shurika

The First Teacher's poster

The First Teacher (1965)

aka: Pervyy uchitel

Doroga k moryu's poster

Doroga k moryu (1965)

Udivitelnaya istoriya, pokhozhaya na skazki's poster

Udivitelnaya istoriya, pokhozhaya na skazki (1966)

Go There, Don't Know Where's poster

Go There, Don't Know Where (1966)

aka: Podi tuda, ne znayu kuda

Krasnoye, sineye, zelyonoye's poster

Krasnoye, sineye, zelyonoye (1966)

Byvayet i tak's poster

Byvayet i tak (1966)

Kidnapping, Caucasian Style's poster

Kidnapping, Caucasian Style (1967)

aka: Kavkazskaya plennitsa, ili Novye priklyucheniya Shurika

Kto pridumal koleso?'s poster

Kto pridumal koleso? (1967)

Spasite utopayushchego's poster

Spasite utopayushchego (1968)

A Very Old Story's poster

A Very Old Story (1968)

aka: Staraya, staraya skazka

Twelve Chairs's poster

Twelve Chairs (1971)

aka: 12 stulev

Gentlemen of Fortune's poster

Gentlemen of Fortune (1971)

aka: Dzhentlmeny udachi

Ten's poster

Ten (1971)

Opekun's poster

Opekun (1971)

A Step from the Roof's poster

A Step from the Roof (1971)

aka: Shag s kryshi

Kak my iskali Tishku's poster

Kak my iskali Tishku (1971)

Smertnyy vrag's poster

Smertnyy vrag (1972)

The Sannikov Land's poster

The Sannikov Land (1973)

aka: Zemlya Sannikova

Chipollino's poster

Chipollino (1973)

Incorrigible Liar's poster

Incorrigible Liar (1973)

aka: Neispravimyy lgun

Severnaya rapsodiya's poster

Severnaya rapsodiya (1974)

...A vy lyubili kogda-nibud?'s poster

...A vy lyubili kogda-nibud? (1974)

Tsarevich Prosha's poster

Tsarevich Prosha (1974)

Moya sudba's poster

Moya sudba (1974)

Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa's poster

Avtomobil, skripka i sobaka Klyaksa (1975)

It Can't Be!'s poster

It Can't Be! (1975)

aka: Ne mozhet byt!

The Humpbacked Horse's poster

The Humpbacked Horse (1975)

aka: Konyok-gorbunok

Bolshoy attraktsion's poster

Bolshoy attraktsion (1975)

Finest, the brave Falcon's poster

Finest, the brave Falcon (1975)

aka: Finist - Yasnyy sokol

Dorogoy malchik's poster

Dorogoy malchik (1975)

The Blue Bird's poster

The Blue Bird (1976)

Au-u!'s poster

Au-u! (1976)

Shag navstrechu's poster

Shag navstrechu (1976)

Puzyrki's poster

Puzyrki (1976)

While the Clocks Are Ticking's poster

While the Clocks Are Ticking (1977)

aka: Poka byut chasy

Marinka, Yanka i tayny korolevskogo zamka's poster

Marinka, Yanka i tayny korolevskogo zamka (1977)

Borrowing Matchsticks's poster

Borrowing Matchsticks (1980)

aka: Za spichkami

Komediya davno minuvshikh dney's poster

Komediya davno minuvshikh dney (1980)

Ruki vverkh!'s poster

Ruki vverkh! (1981)

Maria, Mirabella's poster

Maria, Mirabella (1981)

Opasno dlya zhizni!'s poster

Opasno dlya zhizni! (1985)

Sopernitsy's poster

Sopernitsy (1985)

The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks's poster

The Adventures of the Magic Globe or Witch's Tricks (1991)

aka: Priklyucheniya volshebnogo globusa, ili prodelki vedmy

Gospoda artisty's poster

Gospoda artisty (1992)

Vystrel v grobu's poster

Vystrel v grobu (1992)

Bravye parni's poster

Bravye parni (1993)

Neskolko lyubovnykh istoriy (1994)

Khagi-tragger's poster

Khagi-tragger (1994)

Bootleggers's poster


aka: Самогонщики

Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross's poster

Dog Barbos and Unusual Cross

aka: Пёс Барбос и необычный кросс

A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tears's poster

A Funny Dream, or Laughter and Tears

aka: Веселое сновидение, или смех сквозь слезы

The Tobacco Captain's poster

The Tobacco Captain

aka: Табачный капитан

Seven Old Men and One Girl's poster

Seven Old Men and One Girl

aka: Семь стариков и одна девушка

Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka's poster

Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka

aka: Сестрица Алёнушка и братец Иванушка

Thumbelina's poster


aka: Дюймовочка

Film, Film, Film's poster

Film, Film, Film

aka: Фильм, фильм, фильм

The Cat's House's poster

The Cat's House

aka: Кошкин дом

The Tale of the Golden Rooster's poster

The Tale of the Golden Rooster

aka: Сказка о золотом петушке

A Peacock's Tail's poster

A Peacock's Tail

aka: Павлиний хвост

Cipollino's poster


aka: Чиполлино

Father Frost and the Grey Wolf's poster

Father Frost and the Grey Wolf

aka: Дед Мороз и Серый Волк

Magic Store's poster

Magic Store

aka: Волшебный магазин

Where have I seen him?'s poster

Where have I seen him?

aka: Где я его видел?

Underground Crossing's poster

Underground Crossing

aka: Подземный переход

Elephant Went to Study's poster

Elephant Went to Study

aka: Слонёнок пошёл учиться

The Ugly Duckling's poster

The Ugly Duckling

aka: Гадкий утёнок

The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Ten's poster

The Baby-Goat, Who Counted up to Ten

aka: Козлёнок, который считал до десяти

The Bag Of Apples's poster

The Bag Of Apples

aka: Мешок яблок

Why Did the Kitten Go Away?'s poster

Why Did the Kitten Go Away?

aka: Почему ушел котенок

How to Become a Grown-Up's poster

How to Become a Grown-Up

aka: Как стать большим

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi's poster


aka: Рикки-Тикки-Тави

The Winter's Tale's poster

The Winter's Tale

aka: Зимняя сказка

Train From Romashkovo's poster

Train From Romashkovo

aka: Паровозик из Ромашкова

Spring Tale's poster

Spring Tale

aka: Весенняя сказка

Three Woodcutters's poster

Three Woodcutters

aka: Три дровосека

Valuable Kopeck's poster

Valuable Kopeck

aka: Дорогая копейка

The Snowmen's poster

The Snowmen

aka: Снегурята

Зеркальце's poster


Золотые колосья's poster

Золотые колосья

Wishes Fulfillment's poster

Wishes Fulfillment

aka: Исполнение желаний

Конец чёрной топи's poster

Конец чёрной топи

Лесная история's poster

Лесная история

Мы за солнышком идём's poster

Мы за солнышком идём

A Bragging Ant's poster

A Bragging Ant

aka: Муравьишка-хвастунишка

The Old Man and the Crane's poster

The Old Man and the Crane

aka: Старик и журавль

Only Not Now's poster

Only Not Now

aka: Только не сейчас

A Wonder Mill's poster

A Wonder Mill

aka: Чудо мельница

Four Coins's poster

Four Coins

aka: Четыре монеты

The Little Jackal and the Little Camel's poster

The Little Jackal and the Little Camel

aka: Шакалёнок и верблюд

The Little Ship's poster

The Little Ship

aka: Кораблик

Dve skazki's poster

Dve skazki

aka: Две сказки

A Brave Hare's poster

A Brave Hare

aka: Храбрый заяц

Once Upon a Time's poster

Once Upon a Time

aka: В некотором царстве...

Three Fat Men's poster

Three Fat Men

aka: Три толстяка

Chudesnitsa's poster


aka: Чудесница

Спадок чарівника Бахрама's poster

Спадок чарівника Бахрама

Бобры идут по следу's poster

Бобры идут по следу

Все непонятливые's poster

Все непонятливые

In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night's poster

In the Thirteenth Hour of the Night

aka: В тринадцатом часу ночи

I Want the Moon's poster

I Want the Moon

aka: Хочу луну

Verlioka's poster


aka: Верлиока

The Wolf and the Seven Kids's poster

The Wolf and the Seven Kids

aka: Волк и семеро козлят

The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster's poster

The Crow and the Fox, the Cuckoo and the Rooster

aka: Ворона и лисица кукушка и петух

A Goat-Musician's poster

A Goat-Musician

aka: Козел-музыкант

Little Shego's poster

Little Shego

aka: Маленький Шего

The Boy from Napoli's poster

The Boy from Napoli

aka: Мальчик из Неаполя

On the Forest Stage's poster

On the Forest Stage

aka: На лесной эстраде

The Orange Neck's poster

The Orange Neck

aka: Оранжевое горлышко

A Hazel Tree Twig's poster

A Hazel Tree Twig

aka: Ореховый прутик

Dog and Cat's poster

Dog and Cat

aka: Пёс и кот

Different Wheels's poster

Different Wheels

aka: Разные колёса

The Tale of the Snow Maiden's poster

The Tale of the Snow Maiden

aka: Сказка о Снегурочке

An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale's poster

An Arrow Flies Into a Fairy Tale

aka: Стрела улетает в сказку

Telephone's poster


aka: Телефон

Хочу бодаться!'s poster

Хочу бодаться!

What Kind of Bird Is This?'s poster

What Kind of Bird Is This?

aka: Это что за птица

Сладкая репа's poster

Сладкая репа

Простой мужик's poster

Простой мужик

Adventures of Brownie's poster

Adventures of Brownie

aka: Приключения домовёнка

Short Stories's poster

Short Stories

aka: Короткие истории

Rabbit and Fly's poster

Rabbit and Fly

aka: Зайчонок и муха

How the Fox Chased the Hare's poster

How the Fox Chased the Hare

aka: Как лиса зайца догоняла

Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом's poster

Как утёнок-музыкант стал футболистом

The Adventures of Full Stop and Comma's poster

The Adventures of Full Stop and Comma

aka: Приключения запятой и точки

About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations's poster

About the Hippopotamus Who Was Afraid of Inoculations

aka: Про бегемота, который боялся прививок

A House for Kuzka's poster

A House for Kuzka

aka: Дом для Кузьки

Tale for Natasha's poster

Tale for Natasha

aka: Сказка для Наташи

Return of Brownie's poster

Return of Brownie

aka: Возвращение домовёнка

Незнайка учится's poster

Незнайка учится

At Exactly Three Fifteen ...'s poster

At Exactly Three Fifteen ...

aka: Ровно в три пятнадцать…

Kak rozhdayutsya tosty's poster

Kak rozhdayutsya tosty

aka: Как рождаются тосты

Mest's poster


aka: Месть

New Year's Abduction's poster

New Year's Abduction

aka: Новогоднее похищение

Adventures of Murzilka's poster

Adventures of Murzilka

aka: Приключения Мурзилки

Absent-Minded Giovanni's poster

Absent-Minded Giovanni

aka: Рассеянный Джованни

Birthday's poster


aka: День рождения

A Sober Sparrow's poster

A Sober Sparrow

aka: Непьющий воробей

Yesterday, Today and Always's poster

Yesterday, Today and Always

aka: Вчера, сегодня и всегда

A Little Time Machine's poster

A Little Time Machine

aka: Машинка времени

Голубой огонек - в первый час's poster

Голубой огонек - в первый час

Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the century's poster

Investigation Held by Kolobkis. Theft of the century

aka: Следствие ведут Колобки. Похищение века

Only the Statues Are Silent's poster

Only the Statues Are Silent

aka: Молчат только статуи

Vashe zdorove!'s poster

Vashe zdorove!

Reporter from Overseas's poster

Reporter from Overseas

aka: Заокеанский репортёр

I Don't Want to Be Filmed's poster

I Don't Want to Be Filmed

aka: Я не хочу сниматься

I Don't Want to and I Won't!'s poster

I Don't Want to and I Won't!

aka: Не хочу и не буду

Quartet 'Kva-Kva''s poster

Quartet 'Kva-Kva'

aka: Квартет "Ква-ква"

Visiting the Gnomes's poster

Visiting the Gnomes

aka: В гостях у гномов

The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenov's poster

The Life and Suffering of Ivan Semenov

aka: Жизнь и страдания Ивана Семёнова

Зайка-зазнайка's poster


Who Is Going to the Exhibition?'s poster

Who Is Going to the Exhibition?

aka: Кто поедет на выставку

Про Петрушку's poster

Про Петрушку

С кого брать пример

The Tale of the Old Cedar's poster

The Tale of the Old Cedar

aka: Сказка о старом кедре

The Dragon's poster

The Dragon

aka: Дракон

Привет друзьям's poster

Привет друзьям

Sportland's poster


aka: Спортландия

How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas's poster

How Mushrooms Fought Against Peas

aka: Как грибы с горохом воевали

How the Puppy Was Taught to Swim's poster

How the Puppy Was Taught to Swim

aka: Как щенок учился плавать

How It Happened's poster

How It Happened

aka: Как это случилось

Межа's poster


The First Autograph's poster

The First Autograph

aka: Первый автограф

Rooster and Paint's poster

Rooster and Paint

aka: Петух и краски

One, Two, Altogether!'s poster

One, Two, Altogether!

aka: Раз, два - дружно!

Сегодня день рождения's poster

Сегодня день рождения

The Tales for Old and Young's poster

The Tales for Old and Young

aka: Сказки для больших и маленьких

Сладкий родник's poster

Сладкий родник

Слонёнок's poster


The Stolen Month's poster

The Stolen Month

aka: Украденный месяц

Tails's poster


aka: Хвосты

The Brave Tailor's poster

The Brave Tailor

aka: Храбрый портняжка

Somebody Else's Tracks's poster

Somebody Else's Tracks

aka: Чужие следы

The Whirligig of Life's poster

The Whirligig of Life

aka: Коловращение жизни

What is the Theory of Relativity?'s poster

What is the Theory of Relativity?

aka: Что такое теория относительности

Новогодний календарь's poster

Новогодний календарь

Бюро находок (Фильм 2)

Бюро находок (Фильм 3)

Lost And Found Office 4

aka: Бюро находок (Фильм 4)

One Day of Mosfilm's poster

One Day of Mosfilm

aka: Один день «Мосфильма»

Весёлое сновидение, или Смех сквозь слёзы's poster

Весёлое сновидение, или Смех сквозь слёзы

An Honest Crocodile Word's poster

An Honest Crocodile Word

aka: Честное крокодильское

The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish's poster

The Tale About Malchish-Kibalchish

aka: Сказка о Мальчише-Кибальчише

Бюро находок (Фильм 1)

Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика's poster

Эти невероятные музыканты, или Новые сновидения Шурика

Queen Toothbrush's poster

Queen Toothbrush

aka: Королева - зубная щётка

Бабья работа

Робинзон Кузя's poster

Робинзон Кузя

Сами виноваты's poster

Сами виноваты

Confusion's poster


aka: Неразбериха

Fiction in the Faces's poster

Fiction in the Faces

Chuffyk's poster


aka: Чуффык