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Nikita Mikhalkov

Solntse svetit vsem's poster

Solntse svetit vsem (1959)

Leaded Sky over Borsk's poster

Leaded Sky over Borsk (1961)

aka: Tuchi nad Borskom

Priklyucheniya Krosha's poster

Priklyucheniya Krosha (1962)

Walking the Streets of Moscow's poster

Walking the Streets of Moscow (1964)

aka: Ya shagayu po Moskve

Pereklichka's poster

Pereklichka (1966)

Ne samyy udachnyy den's poster

Ne samyy udachnyy den (1967)

The Red and the White's poster

The Red and the White (1967)

aka: Csillagosok, katonák

A Nest of Gentry's poster

A Nest of Gentry (1969)

aka: Dvoryanskoe gnezdo

The Red Tent's poster

The Red Tent (1969)

aka: Krasnaya palatka

Sport, sport, sport's poster

Sport, sport, sport (1970)

Risk's poster

Risk (1971)

At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own's poster

At Home Among Strangers, a Stranger Among His Own (1974)

aka: Svoy sredi chuzhikh, chuzhoy sredi svoikh

A Slave of Love's poster

A Slave of Love (1976)

aka: Raba lyubvi

Nenavist's poster

Nenavist (1977)

Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano's poster

Unfinished Piece for the Player Piano (1977)

aka: Neokonchennaya pyesa dlya mekhanicheskogo pianino

Five Evenings's poster

Five Evenings (1979)

aka: Pyat vecherov

Siberiade's poster

Siberiade (1979)

aka: Sibiriada

A Few Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov's poster

A Few Days from the Life of I.I. Oblomov (1980)

aka: Neskolko dney iz zhizni I.I. Oblomova

Portrait of the Artist's Wife's poster

Portrait of the Artist's Wife (1982)

aka: Portret zheny khudozhnika

Family Relations's poster

Family Relations (1982)

aka: Rodnya

250 Grammes: A Radioactive Testament's poster

250 Grammes: A Radioactive Testament (1983)

aka: 250 grammaa - Radioaktiivinen testamentti

Inspektor GAI's poster

Inspektor GAI (1983)

Flights in Dreams and in Reality's poster

Flights in Dreams and in Reality (1983)

aka: Polyoty vo sne i nayavu

A Railway Station for Two's poster

A Railway Station for Two (1983)

aka: Vokzal dlya dvoikh

Bez svideteley's poster

Bez svideteley (1983)

A Cruel Romance's poster

A Cruel Romance (1984)

aka: Zhestokiy romans

Moy lyubimyy kloun's poster

Moy lyubimyy kloun (1987)

Dark Eyes's poster

Dark Eyes (1987)

aka: Oci ciornie

Martokhela monadire (1989)

Pod severnym siyaniyem's poster

Pod severnym siyaniyem (1990)

The Russia House's poster

The Russia House (1990)

L'autostop's poster

L'autostop (1991)

Unizhennye i oskorblennye's poster

Unizhennye i oskorblennye (1991)

Close to Eden's poster

Close to Eden (1991)

aka: Urga

A Beautiful Stranger's poster

A Beautiful Stranger (1993)

aka: Piekna nieznajoma

The King of Ads, Part 2's poster

The King of Ads, Part 2 (1993)

Anna ot 6 do 18's poster

Anna ot 6 do 18 (1994)

Zivot a neobycejna dobrodruzstvi vojaka Ivana Conkina's poster

Zivot a neobycejna dobrodruzstvi vojaka Ivana Conkina (1994)

Burnt by the Sun's poster

Burnt by the Sun (1994)

aka: Utomlennye solntsem

Revizor's poster

Revizor (1996)

The Barber of Siberia's poster

The Barber of Siberia (1998)

aka: Sibirskiy tsiryulnik

Stop (1999)

aka: Ostanovka

Vera, nadezhda, krov' (2000)

Tikhie omuty's poster

Tikhie omuty (2000)

The Gentle Age's poster

The Gentle Age (2000)

aka: Nezhnyy vozrast

72 Meters's poster

72 Meters (2004)

aka: 72 metra

The Turkish Gambit's poster

The Turkish Gambit (2005)

aka: Turetskiy gambit

Blind Man's Bluff's poster

Blind Man's Bluff (2005)

aka: Zhmurki

The State Counsellor's poster

The State Counsellor (2005)

aka: Statskiy sovetnik

Persona non grata's poster

Persona non grata (2005)

It Doesn't Hurt Me's poster

It Doesn't Hurt Me (2006)

aka: Mne ne bolno

12's poster

12 (2007)

1612: Khroniki smutnogo vremeni's poster

1612: Khroniki smutnogo vremeni (2007)

Fat Stupid Rabbit's poster

Fat Stupid Rabbit (2007)

aka: Tupoy zhirnyy zayats

Kniga masterov's poster

Kniga masterov (2009)

Burnt by the Sun 2's poster

Burnt by the Sun 2 (2010)

aka: Utomlennye solntsem 2

Utomlennye solntsem 2: Tsitadel's poster

Utomlennye solntsem 2: Tsitadel (2011)

Dom na obochine's poster

Dom na obochine (2011)

The Spy's poster

The Spy (2012)

aka: Shpion

Legend No. 17's poster

Legend No. 17 (2013)

aka: Legenda No. 17

Kto takoy etot Kusturitsa?'s poster

Kto takoy etot Kusturitsa? (2013)

Iron Ivan's poster

Iron Ivan (2014)

aka: Poddubnyy

Sunstroke's poster

Sunstroke (2014)

aka: Solnechnyy udar

Dusha shpiona's poster

Dusha shpiona (2015)

Viking's poster

Viking (2016)

Flight Crew's poster

Flight Crew (2016)

aka: Ekipazh

Water and Sugar's poster

Water and Sugar (2016)

aka: Acqua e zucchero: Carlo Di Palma, i colori della vita

Three Seconds's poster

Three Seconds (2017)

aka: Dvizhenie vverkh

Trener's poster

Trener (2018)

Dovlatov's poster

Dovlatov (2018)

Putin's Witnesses's poster

Putin's Witnesses (2018)

aka: Svideteli Putina

T-34's poster

T-34 (2018)

Silver Skates's poster

Silver Skates (2020)

aka: Serebryanye konki

Streltsov's poster

Streltsov (2020)

No Escapes's poster

No Escapes (2020)

aka: Ogon

Stanislavsky. Lust for life's poster

Stanislavsky. Lust for life (2020)

aka: Stanislavsky.Lust for life

Bondarchuk. Battle's poster

Bondarchuk. Battle (2021)

aka: Battle

The World Champion's poster

The World Champion (2021)

aka: Chempion mira

Couple from the Future's poster

Couple from the Future (2021)

aka: Para iz buduschego

Pravednik's poster

Pravednik (2023)

Son's poster

Son (2023)

The Bremen Town Musicians's poster

The Bremen Town Musicians (2024)

aka: Bremenskie muzykanty

The Wizard of the Emerald City's poster

The Wizard of the Emerald City (2025)

aka: Volshebnik Izumrudnogo goroda. Doroga iz zhyoltogo kirpicha

The Poet's poster

The Poet (2025)

aka: Prorok. Istoriya Aleksandra Pushkina

Kraken (2025)

Belyy kit's poster

Belyy kit

Rozhdenie imperii

Stalin's poster


The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 1

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 1

Azazel's poster


aka: Азазель

Quiet Flows The Don's poster

Quiet Flows The Don

aka: Тихий Дон

The Station Master's poster

The Station Master

aka: Станционный смотритель

Anna Karenina's poster

Anna Karenina

aka: Анна Каренина

Trans-Siberian Express's poster

Trans-Siberian Express

aka: Транссибирский экспресс

A Quiet Day at the End of the War's poster

A Quiet Day at the End of the War

aka: Спокойный день в конце войны

Pretty Mouth and Green My Eyes

aka: И эти губы, и глаза зелёные...

A Girl and Things's poster

A Girl and Things

aka: Девочка и вещи

Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky's poster

Sacrifices of Andrei Tarkovsky

aka: Жертвоприношения Андрея Тарковского

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles, Part 2

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей. Часть 2

The Russian Idea's poster

The Russian Idea

aka: Русская идея

Шуточка's poster


A Sentimental Trip to My Homeland. Music of Russian Painting's poster

A Sentimental Trip to My Homeland. Music of Russian Painting

aka: Сентиментальное путешествие на мою Родину. Музыка русской живописи

Russians without Russia's poster

Russians without Russia

aka: Русские без России

Mother's poster


aka: Мама

Father's poster


aka: Отец

The Song of Manshuk's poster

The Song of Manshuk

aka: Песнь о Маншук

Шоколадный револьвер

Life is a Thrill's poster

Life is a Thrill

aka: Фенченко. Жизнь - это кайф

БесогонTV «Не всё взбивается в масло»

БесогонTV «Проделки маркиза Карабаса»

БесогонTV «Клубок друзей»

БесогонTV «Парад мышей»

БесогонTV «Антология фальши»

БесогонTV «Jedem das Seine / Каждому свое»

БесогонTV «Если папа – коррупция, а мама – двуличие, какой у них будет ребенок?»

Крым Юлиана Семёнова

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles's poster

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Hound of the Baskervilles

aka: Приключения Шерлока Холмса и доктора Ватсона: Собака Баскервилей

The Film That Went Wrong's poster

The Film That Went Wrong

aka: История неполучившегося фильма

One Day of Mosfilm's poster

One Day of Mosfilm

aka: Один день «Мосфильма»

Passion for Russia

aka: Страсти по России

Requiem of the Great Victory

aka: Реквием Великой Победы

«The Barber of Siberia». How Did We Raise This

aka: «Сибирский цирюльник». Как мы это поднимали

Book About the Church

aka: Книга о церкви

General Kozhugetych

aka: Генерал Кожугетыч

Plankton Salesmen's poster

Plankton Salesmen

aka: Продавцы планктона

Королева Анна

The Wizard of the Emerald City, Part 2's poster

The Wizard of the Emerald City, Part 2

aka: Волшебник Изумрудного города. Злая ведьма

Two Voices's poster

Two Voices

aka: Два голоса

...A ya uezzhayu domoy

aka: ... А я уезжаю домой